Children, the satanic voices, who themselves want to destroy with an axe, to school leave. Because they are sick. But none of the 523 beds in the Flemish child psychiatry is in the morning for them to put up. It would not, but it is so. Four mothers about their child sick, but is in the queue. Nadia and Lily

“Doctors say that they have me to admire. “No, mom would hold, as thou’. But I am nothing of the sort. This I do not like much longer.” Nadia (33) is at the end of her Latin. “Lily (11, fictitious name) is a duivelskind. Sometimes I think that, really.”

Read also Four mothers about their very ill child that has nowhere to get help: “The parents of Kim The Gelder have also been warned for their child,”

“What have you done to zóiets to lure in a toddler?” The first psychiatrist that Nadia visited with her daughter, barely two, was there with his mind. Nine years later, Lily is still a medical mystery. “As a baby, she wept the whole day and she would barely eat. Later, tantrums and sheer aggression. We are already six years in treatment by Peter Adriaenssens – is nevertheless the most well-known kinderpsychiater of the country – and he helps us as best he can, but also know still not what exactly is with her saves. Lily is so complex: she has ADHD, autism, feelings of post-traumatic stress, an IQ of 40 and a co-ordination disorder. But besides plays there a lot. She is psychotic, says that she feels pain in her head and that there are inner voices which urge to terrible things to do. Not so long ago, I’m only on’t nick of time discovered that they have an axe in her bookbag had stopped. “To the naughty kids at school have their heads cut off’.

She goes three half days to a special school. Longer does not go according to the doctors. Home lubricates the walls filled with mayonnaise and ketchup. She stuffs towels in the toilet to make it overflow. When she was ten years old my husband and I agree, the police are called. She had a knife and threatened us and herself to stab. The shame that you feel as a parent when you are the cop should call for your own child of ten, I can’t describe it. Those agents got here, also with a smile, but that disappeared quickly. Lily also began to them to scream “I will make you broken” and ” I’m gonna cut your throat’. They attacked them physically. ‘That we have never experienced madam’. (sigh) Yes, we have so often been. but at Night we sleep with the bedroom door locked: both my husband and I like Lars (15), our son. Because it’s all regulated happened that his sister in’t middle of the night suddenly his room burst in the door and on his bed jumping. She then goes to times that the neighbors had already the police are called for child abuse. Fortunately we have a certificate from the doctors that explains exactly what her condition is.”