Ismo Lehkonen tell me what it’s like to play SM-league season-time worst team.Mika Saarinen (left.) and Jarmo Vuorinen help the goalkeeper Benoit Perreaultin the field in November 1983. Il-archive

SM-league has always been and will be a pushover, but one has been above all others: HPK’s “achievements” in the season of 1983-84 is practically impossible to cross.

That season HPK played 37 matches, having won three and lost 34. The team’s goal difference was 112-234. Six points the entire season during the second match-point average value of 0,162.

One of that sad team of players has Ismo Lehkonen , which moved to the Veli-Pekka Kinnunen with the middle of the season jokerit from HPK:hon.

It was quite a walking, Lehkonen sighs recalling his time in Hämeenlinna.

Young team

HPK was 1983-84 SM-league gainer team, which had used the I-division a lot of money to ascend to the top of the series level. Game characters league level team in order to no longer be you.

and Yrjö Hakulinen in addition, the team was mostly in their twenties young man.

we had a young team with too many players got too big box, Lehkonen said.

as a Coach working only 30-year-old Hannu Savolainen .

“Charlie” was a nice and good guy, but he knew himself, too, that we needed a more experienced coach and skilled taktikon, which should also put us to practice hard. Someone Rauno Korpi would have been our coach, Lehkonen said.

Savolainen jumped on that after the season the coach back to the player and collected I-division in HPK’s shirt in a 42 match 50 (20+30) power points. Savolainen played it even after two more season I-division and returned to HPK’s coach for the period 1989-91 and 1994-95.

Ugly readings ismo Lehkonen recalls through 1983-84, which HPK won only three and lost 34 games. Pekka Jalonen

Through the eev taught Lehkoselle many things.

– we Lost many games by one goal. Then for the first time to understand, how far is the paint loss of paint in the victory. It is as long as a half marathon. The paint’s loss of status of turning a profit is hard work. Us boys have chest hair and muscles do not have enough of it.

HPK lost in 37 matches to nine games by one goal.

through the fit also crushing losses this season 2-10, 1-9, 1-8, 1-10 and 1-13.

They weren’t nice games, really do not, Lehkonen said.

HPK had started the season 14-match losing streak, until a 5-2-win Aces.

That victory is not celebrated in any way, Lehkonen recalls.

That the Aces win again 13-match losing streak.

– the Paint losses were the worst, and still victory was too damn long trip.

Good spirit

the Continuing losses do not wreck the locker room a good atmosphere.

– we had a really good connection with spirit, with it did not have any problems. I was left with the team’s players lifelong friends. I’ve been to much worse places and in spirit to much worse teams, Lehkonen said.

Lehkonen remind you that trudging team of players increased in the end few hard baller like Mika Helkearo , Mika Lartama and Musiq “Pikkari” Virtanen .

– We had good boys and maybe the blanks to get the thing to work, if we had been able to operate better. In any case, it’s the season gave many good teachings, Lehkonen said.


HPK was the previous spring dropped league qualifiers Rauma Lock I-division voitoin 3-0. Years later, a Lock having a tasty rematch.

we Had long been able to focus on the league qualifier, but the Lock had a good team, Lehkonen recalls.

Lock the row in the play were among the defenders of Vesa Salo and Jarmo Kuusisto as well as the attack Matti Forss , Jari Torkki , Jari Laiho and Juhani Wallenius . The lock had during the season three different coach, with Jon “Killer” Sahlstedt , had the honour of piloting some fries back to the SM-league voitoin 3-2.

HPK fell back to the I-division and the rise in SM-league until 1988, the bear bryant command.

Lehkonen career instead of continuing in the SM-league, as he returned to jokerit in the period 1984-86.

the worst point average

1) HPK 0,162 (1983-84)

2) KooVee 0,278 (1979-80)

3) Breezy Bay 0,291 (1993-94)

4) Sport 0,306 (1975-76)

5) Brisk Bay 0,313 (1992-03)

6) KalPa of 0.333 (1997-98)

7) KooKoo 0,341 (1987-88)

since the Autumn of 2004, the actual playing time of the victory has received three points. The two-point system or any of the team’s scoring average would not have the 2004 retarded as bad as HPK:n 1983-84.