Economics At BNP Paribas Fortis, the largest bank of the country, thousands of jobs in danger. That confirm multiple sources. There is, however, a social plan, in which older employees still at 58 years, the company would be able to leave. “It was a choice between the plague and the cholera”, it sounds.
It was the BBTK that today the cat the bell aanbond. The union says two collective agreements on job security and arbeidstijdverlenging to sign. Previously refused to the union to sign because both cao and pages linked to it were. But there is change in come. If not drawn, was, were, after all, a thousand naked dismissed.
CEO Max Jadot announced this week that thousands of jobs are at risk at the bank. That is especially the case with the offices and the support services. In total, the next few years to 2,500 people, the bank deserted but for a large part by natural wastage. That is similar to the turnover rates of the past few years. For thousands of employees must, however, be an alternative solution to be sought.
Every day 12 minutes longer
with the signing of the agreements would be the loss of jobs in a social way can be done. In exchange, should every day 12 minutes longer. The social plan would provide an exit strategy for older workers. That would still 58 years and the company may leave, with the intervention of the bank.
“It was a choice between the plague and cholera. More work or a thousand naked redundancies”, explains federal secretary Pia Desmet from. “The freedom of choice we had not really.”
The spokesman said the bank wanted for the time being not to respond to the vakbondsberichten.