Ford currently employs 54.000 in Europe at 15 installations mainly in Germany, the Uk and Spain.

” There will be significant changes in the entire region. We will look at all opportunities, says Steven Armstrong, Ford’s head of Europe.

as possible, be carried out with the voluntary redundancies, says the company, which does not indicate how many of which can be affected by the measures.

According to analysts, Ford globally reduce the number of employees 24,000 as part of the ongoing and planned structural measures, writes the Financial Times.

Ford has already announced plans to cease production at a plant in Bordeaux, and talks with the trade unions regarding a factory in Germany. A review of a joint venture in Russia is expected to be completed before the end of June, according to Bloomberg.

a global restructuring program that will save 14 billion dollars, then the operations in both Europe and Asia have turned to loss.

Heavy investment in the development of electric vehicles and uncertainty about Brexit has put further pressure on the majority of vehicle manufacturers.