This is the fourth mobilization since last autumn that the PP leadership led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo has called against this norm, which will be approved next Tuesday by the Plenary Session of Congress.

The protesters who have attended this mobilization, under the motto ‘A strong Spain’, the protesters have chanted slogans such as ‘Puigdemont to prison’ and have carried banners with slogans such as ‘Sánchez traitor’, ‘No amnesty’, ‘Pedro Sánchez to prison’ or ‘Ferraz, a cry of unity against Sanchismo’.

The president of the PP and almost all of his regional presidents have once again taken to the streets in defense of the equality of all Spaniards and to denounce “the dismissal process” that, according to the ‘popular’, the PSOE Government has initiated and Add. The former presidents of the Government José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy have joined the protest.

Feijóo announced this fourth protest on January 13 and framed it as the first stop on the “route for equality” that will travel throughout the country as a “symbol of resistance” against the Government’s pacts with Junts to “stand still.” to those who want to “cut up” Spain. In fact, he announced that this route “will be in the main capitals, with two parallel routes, to the north and south,” and will travel through “the towns, squares and cities” to protest because the PSOE “has chosen for this to be the legislature of extortion and humiliation.

The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, expressed herself in similar terms this Saturday at an event to sign the manifesto for equality that the more than 3,000 mayors of the PP have signed. “It is the time for resistance, to rebel and to give a voice to those who do not have one,” she proclaimed from La Rioja, according to Europa Press.

To maintain tension in the streets, it has recruited its territorial officials, who these days have called for mobilization from their respective territories. Apart from the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who served as host, Juanma Moreno (Andalusia), Alfonso Fernández Mañueco (CyL), Jorge Azcón (Aragón), Marga Prohens (Balearic Islands), María Guardiola (Extremadura), Fernando López Miras (Murcia), Carlos Mazón (Valencian Community) and Gonzalo Capellán (La Rioja).

The presidents of the PP in the Basque Country, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Navarra and Asturias, Javier de Andrés, Paco Núñez, Alejandro Fernández, Javier García and Álvaro Queipo, respectively, also attended the Plaza de España on Sunday.

The ‘popular’ have managed to snatch the flag from the street of Vox, which has supported other PP protests. However, after the disagreements that have been shown in recent weeks with the leadership of the Popular Party, the general secretary of that party, Ignacio Garriga, announced that Vox will not attend the Plaza de España.

Last December, Vox announced the breaking of relations with Feijóo’s national PP, arguing the refusal of the ‘popular’ to put together a joint strategy against the Sánchez Government for its pacts with the independentists. In addition, those from Abascal used the agreement sealed between PP and PSOE for the distribution of parliamentary commissions.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, took advantage of the occasion to warn the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, that he will be punished at the polls and his Government will have an “end sooner rather than later” because “Spain is not for sale” and has unleashed a “storm of dignity” throughout the country that “gets stronger every day.” In his opinion, the country is not going to “give him a pass.”

“We are going to democratically rescue this country,” Feijóo proclaimed at the rally, whose attendance the party has estimated at “more than 70,000 people,” according to party sources. For its part, the Government Delegation has estimated attendance at 45,000 people.

Feijóo has stated that Spain “is not selling itself” and is not going to “be silent”, pointing out that there will be more mobilizations in the streets. “Spain is not for sale, and even less in the name of those who are not interested in Spain,” he stated, to warn that they are going to “tear down the wall” that Sánchez has built “with arrogance and lies” through “the truth.” , “common sense”, “with the Constitution” and “united”.

Furthermore, Feijóo has stated that Sánchez “will go down in history” for “his lies”, “for his convenience disguised as coexistence”, “for selling out the Socialist Party” and “for putting Spain up for sale”. Furthermore, he has warned that the Spaniards are not going to “give him one” and, apart from having a response in the institutions where the PP governs, they will also have a response “at the polls” when there are elections.

“Spain is worse governed than ever but it is stronger than ever,” he stated, adding that “never” had a party like the PP taken so many people out to the streets to ask for equality. “It is proof of Spain’s resistance. No matter how much they want to scrap it, Spain is not going to break,” she stated.

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has made a forceful speech against the amnesty and Sánchez’s steps. “Now it is not terrorism, now Otegi is a man of peace, now it turns out that Junts is no longer xenophobic and racist like months ago, not now. And now it turns out that the Government was spying on the independentists because of Rajoy,” he proclaimed.

Ayuso, who has also been received with shouts of ‘president, president’ before a dedicated audience, has stressed that this is what happens in Pedro Sánchez’s Spain, in which “they criminalize normal life and normalize crime because they agree with the crime”.

Previously, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, has stated that this protest shows that “there is hope against Sanchismo.” “The message that the vast majority of Spaniards do not resign themselves to Spain becoming a colony of sanchismo, but rather what we want is to continue being the democracy that we found in 1978,” he stated.