Helsingin sanomat journalist gives Finnish star eur 25 career 25:no victory, and therefore, that Mäkäräinen another betting win.Kaisa Mäkäräinen in the international press conference on Sunday Pokljukassa.

Before three the best athlete in the international press conference of the Slovenian Pokljukassa Helsingin sanomat journalist Ari Pusa go Kaisa Mäkäräinen come and stretch out for 25 euros.

Pusa gave the money to Finnish the career of the 25 world cup victory and because of that Mäkäräinen brought to helsinki for a betting profit of eur 160.

Mäkäräinen grabbed 25 against the euro, with some surprise, but with humor.

– These go for massage not Mäkäräinen laugh and slip a euro in his pocket.

He had taken the national team to massage a few christmas cards, and the massage didn’t take payment for them.

He said that buying you a cup of coffee. With this money I can go buy a little Gobahis bigger the buns.

Kaisa Mäkäräinen (vas.) got Helsingin sanomat supplier Ari Pusalta 25 euros. Santtu Silvennoinen

Pokljukan the world cup opener was a Finnish anyway lucrative. Last week the Sunday sekaviestin the fifth rather than come 2 000. Saturday and Sunday profits 15 000 each. In addition, Mäkäräinen got a vest bonus 1 850 eur. Total Slovenia became a prize money of 33 850 eur.

I have to give a little service for men. They did a good job and a huge long days. Jarkkokin is every morning after five unsuccessful here the race event.

Jarkolla Mäkäräinen mean my husband Jarkko bridge to nowhere , which works in two world cup races in both the WORLD battles in Finnish service.

the ski team back in the star was used to success after the games to take the maintenance man for the liquor bottles. the are you Going to do the same ?

– Alcohol I don’t bribe anyone, Mäkäräinen laugh.

– Random other maintenance, he continued.