The restructuring that the executive board of telecommunications company, Proximus wants to make and where’s 1,900 jobs are threatened, it is “not a transformation plan, but a flat cost savings plan of € 240 million”. That has a trade unionist Bart Neyens (ACOD) this morning declared in the parliamentary Committee of Infrastructure. In the afternoon, Proximus will-topvrouw Dominique Leroy comments come in the commission.

“This plan is a copy-paste of other plans from abroad,” said Neyens. “It is a matter of little knowledge and commitment of the workers and lacks a clear vision and strategy. It is an impetus for a race to the bottom ” to lower wages, less leave and hyperflexibiliteit, only in the interest of the shareholders. It is irresponsible for a public company, that the example would need to give on the education and training of employees.” the

Neyens pulled sharply to “the relentless negative reporting about the company from the government”. “In the government Michel 1 there is no consultation between competent minister De Croo and the trade unions, although we have repeatedly insisted.”

also Read Nearly 2,000 workers protesting at Proximus Towers against restructuring “relationships with employees”

Also for the management of Proximus was Neyens not tender. He accuses her accounting management of the company and lack of vision. “A part of the management has no relationship with the employees. The social background is missing, perhaps, is that not enough is taught at Vlerick who’s CEO wants to be? The HR regulations will be adjusted, with lower wages, less leave, less fringe benefits, and other working schedule for new employees. Is that what one understands under a digital transformation plan? “

The social background is missing, perhaps, is that not enough is taught at Vlerick who’s CEO wants to be?

Clear vision

Neyens asks the representatives of the people, as a representative of the people and thus the majority shareholder, a clear vision and strategy to impose on the management of Proximus. “The homework must be made again”, sounds.

are Also ACV-colleague Ben Coremans said woensdagvoormiddag that his union is not able to find it in the announced transformation plan. “We cannot accept that this is passed on to the staff. We can not accept that the management give that collective dismissal is the only way out from this impasse.”

Proximus: “Possible fourth player is not the reason,”

This afternoon was CEO Dominique Leroy’s turn in the parliamentary Committee of Infrastructure. They explained that Proximus needs to transform in the fast-changing digital market. The high cost structure and high staff places Proximus outside the market. The plan must be for a gross savings of 240 million euros provide, over three years. the

“The plan we announced is not the result of the possible arrival of a fourth player,” added Leroy. “The plan should allow the company to adapt to the evolution of the sector, independent of the arrival of a fourth player.”