The Swiss Federation of trade unions (SGB) called for tougher measures against temporary work. The new SGB-President Pierre-Yves Maillard joined with this claim yesterday, for the first time in front of the media. He was combative as always, and it seemed as if he had never done anything else.

For Maillard was a return to the Berner stage, he had to leave in 2004 as a national Council in favour of the state Council of the Canton of Vaud. In the fall, he is expected to return again in the Federal Parliament. His party, the SP, has already determined as a candidate for the national Council. “Notre petit Blocher vaudois”, as you called him once because of his belligerent rhetoric, in a nod to Alt-Bundesrat Christoph Blocher, then would be back where his national political career began.

Also on the increase in temporary work, Maillard yesterday held a sharp plea. This was basically, “precarious”, and it is necessary “to stop the further advance of this form of work”. The majority of Temporary workers would rather have permanent employment, as, of all things, an investigation of the employer is shown. What is not mentioned Maillard: the Same survey found on the basis of a survey of 4,000 temporary workers, that this desire for half of the Affected after two years; last year alone, around 240’000 temporary work found a permanent position. Half of the temporary employees, according to the investigation, professionals and academics.

ceiling commercial

The trade unions demanded that temporary workers have the same employment conditions as permanent employees, that the Federal government and the cantons monitor the temporary offices systematically, and that the job safety and health protection for better prevention measures are taken.

Because the temporary work on the wages and working pressures and conditions, it should be curbed, said Maillard. The Confederation and the cantons shall hold in addition, upper limits for the temporary share for companies that want to participate in public procurement. The Canton of Geneva had introduced two years ago. On the complaint of the Association of personnel service providers, this has been determined, however, from Geneva’s constitutional court in February for lack of legal basis as a violation of economic freedom and prevented.

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Completely vulnerable to work temporarily at the end of today. According to Vania Alleva, President of the trade Union Unia, apply to them wherever there is a collective employment agreement (CEA), already the same conditions as the permanent employees. For the past seven years, there is an own collective labour agreement for the temporary industry. It provides for minimum wages in numerous industries, where there is no collective employment contract.

And these minimum wages to rise in accordance with the contract each year. The minimum wage for Unskilled workers has been increased since 2012 to nearly 16 percent. The CEA has also established a training institution for temporary employment at the end of the last year of 9.5 million Swiss francs for the nearly 8,000 workers approved.

No minimum wage for Temporary, according to Alleva in public transport, in chemistry, in engineering, in the graphical and in the food industry. The trade unions want to improve the Situation of Temporary workers in a new collective employment contract, such as Alleva said. So far, it has not been able to agree on with the employers. The current collective employment contract was extended until the end of 2020. If necessary, you will tighten the regulation “by law,” she said.

seasonal workers replaced

Equally critical is the accompanying measures to the free movement of persons, according to Alleva, because the unions had so that there is control, where the risk of wage dumping is the greatest. SGB chief economist Daniel Lampart added that a large part of the increase in temporary work was due to the free movement of persons: “The temporary bodies have partially replaced the seasonal workers.”

Leif Agnéus, President of the Association of employers in the industry and General Manager at Manpower, contrary to the unions: “temporary work is not a precarious form of work.” Flexible work would grow and the shapes, because this was a need of the society and the economy. Agnéus, the social partners should work together to put the brakes on instead of the development.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.05.2019, 21:05 PM