Lokeren The Lokerse police reacts sharply on the fight of Friday, before the gates of the athenaeum. “This is the last time that we are so soft have occurred. We are going to our not let bespuwen,” says police chief Patrick Thienpont to VTM News. In the skirmishes between a group of young people and the police were two cops injured and incapable of working. Also some young people suffered injuries. Mayor Filip Anthuenis (Open Vld) calls for calm and stresses that violence against the police can be tolerated.

social media is circulating currently free fierce images of the incident. That occurred Friday night around 16 hours before at the door of the Royal Technical Athenaeum in Lokeren. The management of the school had gotten an upcoming fight, this would also youngsters called from another school in Ghent. The amokmakers wanted the society to fight for the door of the athenaeum.


The police sent at the request of the school will have two teams on the spot to prevent this. “When our people on the spot arrived, there were already 50 to 60 young people in the vicinity of the school,” says police chief Patrick Thienpont. “They were by the police and asked to leave the place. Some gave immediately a result, some turned, however, back soon.” the

“Originally, everything went quiet,” he continues. “The atmosphere struck when a 17-year-old boy refused to leave and his friends began to stir. This group ran back and forth across the street, began the acts of the politiemedewerkers filming and made jungle sounds. Some young people went to the police vehicles and did stir up the police dog.”

The mood turned when a 17-year-old boy refused to leave and his friends began to stir.

police Chief Patrick Thienpont


“Then is decided by the remaining young people to identify. One of the young people refused, resolutely, he was this with the arm to the combi accompanied him to the office of the commissioner. He tried, however, pulling so he to the ground, was led to be fascinated to be. During this action came the rest of the group to our employees and started them to kick, to save and to bespuwen. One fellow became at a certain moment, isolated. He was attacked by some youths and got a number of punches of a 16-year-old.”