the Debate surrounding automated decision-making in public administration have started to come good and Trelleborgsmodellen is often referred to as the Trelleborg municipality was the first in Sweden with automated decision-making in the application for income support. We welcome the debate and hope that it will lead to that legislation is developed in line with local needs and challenges.

In Trelleborg started the development work for many years ago and it started when we asked ourselves the questions: Who are we for and how long should the citizen have to wait?

the Development work led to a job trelleborgare can focus on and get support in what they actually need: job search and find the fastest path to self-sufficiency. Once the e-application accordingly introduced, we could put our resources where they make the most difference for trelleborgare at the same time as employees avlastades from monotonous tasks.

We chose to manage försörjningsstödet more administrative for the release of resources to the supporting and guiding the work. When the processes were identified and the new way of working and the approach was established, we chose to develop an automated robotic process (so-called ”Robotic Process Automation or RPA) to manage running applications.

We started on a small scale to test, evaluate and ensure legally sound decision. We built check torque in the process, ensured the personal service for those who do not want to or cannot use digital services. We did it not to get away from the human encounter, but on the contrary to be able to grow up in contact with and service to the trelleborgare looking for work.

to do this requires the courage to test new ways of working and we must do it now, the public sector cannot afford to wait.

the Public sector faces major challenges. Skills gap is big and the economy is strained. If we work in the same way as we have always done, we get the best the same results that we have today. It means that resources will not be sufficient. We need to foster an innovative work environment that involves and takes advantage of employees ‘ ideas, and we must also take advantage of the opportunities that exist with new technologies. We can around the municipalities choose to wait until we know with certainty that we are doing everything in exactly the right way, or we can focus on doing the right things and use digitisation and automation to improve service to the citizen.

Trelleborg was the first in Sweden with this model, and it is natural that our work is subject to review. We welcome a public debate on automated decision-making which will hopefully lead to legislation to keep up with and that we who work in the municipalities around in Sweden know what we should relate to.

however, It is of the utmost importance that this debate will start now and that it will be constructive. Otherwise there is a risk that the municipalities who want to and dare to pursue an active development and use of new technologies is losing momentum and choose to wait. It will not benefit neither those who work in, or part of, the public sector services.