Mr. Wyss when will implement in the Convenience sector for the first time, more than the traditional meat business of the Bell group?
The goal is long-term, that we make with Convenience equal to a lot of turnover with meat. As of almost 2 billion Swiss francs

How do you want to achieve, the absence of us?
We have new buildings, we realize now, Marchtrenk, bathroom Wünneberg. These make a significant contribution to organic growth. Then we want one or the other to acquire, to achieve this goal. Also to have the Size it takes on the European market.

In what direction are you looking at?
Certain groups of products such as juices would be a good fit. As A Rounding Off.

Why is Convenience Food so interesting?
It corresponds to the today’s Trends. We want to be in the middle of the plate, no matter where the journey goes.

What Trends are these?
as a Vegetarian, a Trend that continues is. It is the consciousness of the people, to eat different. Vegan is a time phenomenon which will disappear. We have a strategy in the field of vegetarian products, and we will continue to invest there in different locations. For example, the plant-based Green Mountain Burger. We want to multiply, because the demand is there.

“The weekend is then boiled, large, food is celebrated.”

you will Feel the taste of the customer changes faster?
you see the dynamics Alone Hilcona we have brought in the past year, 210 product innovations on the market.

This costs but.
The costs very much.

How to change the eating habits in meat area?
The Out-of-Home consumption is increasing. The weekend is then boiled, large, food is celebrated.

How will this affect the Bell?
The product range has changed significantly. Fresh meat has less space. We have new products in the area of Slow-Cooked, and go now in the direction of the menu components. The first ready meals were half-canned, six weeks. Today, everything is very fresh. It is the flesh, just in a different Form.

Shows in the Numbers?
The Convenience sector is growing rapidly. At present, particularly in Austria and Germany, that’s where we concentrate. We want to invest where the market is growing.

“There is no company that is situated in the Convenience business as we are.”

And profitability?
The margin in the Convenience market is definitely better than in the meat area. Also, because no saturation is present.

The competition is not sleeping well.
no, but there is no company that is situated in the Convenience business as we are. One of the ultra-fresh products to the durable Convenience all offers.

The plant in Marchtrenk is part of the strategy to focus on Germany and Austria?
Exactly. A total investment of about 140 million Swiss francs In the final phase, an area of 24 000 square meters. Are we in the short term, three-quarters of them, the Rest of the strategic Reserve. We have taken the first hall, and it is a good start. Now the second hall it is. The third hall is expected to follow in the fall of 2020. There, we produce under one roof, the ranges of Hilcona, iceberg, and a part for Bell. This is the first such center of competence. There is nothing comparable in Europe in this size.

How do you imagine such a state of the art production?
There is lots of space and less people, since so much is automated.

This will also save costs.
Exactly. Just outside of Switzerland, where the income situation is different, you must be fully automated, so that such an investment is profitable. The high degree of automation is also given by the large volume that we process. In this country we could not realize this because the amount is missing.

“We are now concentrating on ham, where we are the market leader.”

What will save you in the production, you must place the development plan?
Yes, of course, a part of which we invest in the development.

fighting abroad continued with high cost pressure?
Yes, there is a huge competition in the market. In the meat area, there are five major raw material vendors, over two hundred producers, we and five customers. Actually, it would have to be in the middle only five, so that the Balance is right. The problem is that the passing on of raw material costs on to customers very long takes, sometimes, we can’t implement them fully. If any one deserves to be in Germany for good money, then he can do it anywhere.

you can Earn money in Germany?
Yes, we earn money in Germany. But don’t ask how much – at the Moment it is still very dependent on raw material prices.

the Turnaround has been accomplished?
Yes. If you look back, we have earned no money. That’s why we’ve sold the sausage works. We focus on ham, where we are the market leader. And we will continue to invest. Not in the Form of acquisitions. We want to optimize our processes. Here, too, Automation is a topic.

what is the structure of the market there?
Since it is in the ratio of five:five:five.

“We still have potential.”

What’s going on in the other market, France?
Also, France is affected by the high raw material prices strong. We were able to give in part. The Performance is better, but we are not where we want to be.

you are not there to be profitable?
This is so.

prospects Have improved?
Yes, they are better. The objective is quite clear: We want to be profitable.

What will it take?
Various topics will be discussed. For example, the optimization within France: the Need of so many of the works in this Form? There’s a lot running in the Background.

How important is Switzerland for Bell?
it continues to be the mainstay. The profitability is very good. We will invest in the next years the infrastructure will need to. It replacement investments are due.

“A frozen bearing costs about 80 million.”

you want to keep your leading Position in the meat sector in this country – or even expand. What is it now?
In Switzerland, we want to expand this Position further. At a reasonable level. The domestic market is fix, he is saturated by it. But also because you can get with power still out. We still have potential.

Are also planned investments in the scope of the production facility in Marchtrenk?
I would talk more than that. A frozen bearing will cost about 80 million. The planned cattle slaughterhouse in Oensingen is a little more expensive, and then we have a Central logistics. Plus replacement investments that are necessary here. This is all in the multi-year planning.

The first half of the year was characterised by special effects. We have seen for 2019 everything?
Yes. We had to consolidate, and in the right place to invest. Next year looks different.

we have no special effects?
Maybe there are special effects, but not in this magnitude.

Has the impact on the dividend?
not today.

(financial and economic)

Created: 26.11.2019, 14:53 PM