
Guide to the best tv – 14 favorites

Tv-series+ FÖLJGuide for the best tv – 14 favoriterFoto: Dplay/SVT.”This is your life”, ”Sisters 1968” and ”the days that The flowers are blooming.”TV ...

Thomas, 67, concerning the requirement of the Year: Bad

Summer+ FÖLJThomas, 67, concerning the requirement of the Year: ”Bad”PLEASURE Thomas Wallin, 67, solved the ”Bingolottos” julkryss and sent into the codeword from...

The american alternative: A new bettor makes his entrance in fåreflokken

The waiting pedestrians to enter instinctively a step back from the curb at the traffic lights. Against them come the...

The case of Franziska from Cottbus : mother and live-in partner will have to...

With affected acting, verhärmtem glance, the mother had the photo of your on 15. October of last year, "missing" 12-year-old daughter held...

The apprentices ‘ careers to be mapped on the new academy

During the financial crisis, it was difficult for the young håndværkerspirer to find apprenticeships. Now it is about to go...

Hotel-giant hacked: Up to 500 million hit

The giant hotel chain Marriott has discovered a hole in security, which means that up to 500 million guests may have been...

(C) a ‘ no ‘ vote to the Video:

NyheterC vote no to LöfvenFoto: Claudio Bresciani / TTCenterpartiet intend to vote ' no ' to Stefan Löfven in the upcoming statsministeromröstningen.Photo: Stina Stjernkvist...

Board of directors Facebook endorses topvrouw Sandberg in Soros scandal

Internet Sheryl Sandberg, the number two of Facebook, today announced the strong support received from the board of directors of the company. Sandberg is...

Bikes : Berlin data protection investigate Mobike

Since then, in the spring of giant Bicycle fleets appeared on the pavements in Berlin and other cities, they cared for many...

New EU sanctions against east

NyheterNya EU sanctions against östFoto: Luca Bruno/AP/TTUkrainas foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin eat lunch with the EU foreign ministers in Brussels today. Arkivfoto.NEWS Another...



Grote brand veroorzaakt vlammenzee en rook in regio

Brand bij afvalverwerker Remondis Recycling in Son veroorzaakt vlammenzee en rook In de vroege uren van zaterdagochtend brak er een hevige brand uit bij afvalverwerker...

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