
An artist in the shadow of his wife

The Sicilian singer Joseph Leoni studied in Munich, his luck and found it at lake Starnberg. A double biography gives a glimpse into...

The transparent man is KI even more transparent

Germany is back in the race for artificial intelligence behind other Nations. Investments from the EU and the Federal government are, therefore, a good...

When children are beaten, all the little

A real law that comes too late: parents in France are not allowed to beat your children. This is a private matter, to...

As if it were a Russian lake

Russia is expanding its influence in the Crimea. Therefore, there are Considerations to send OSCE observers to the sea of Azov. There, Russia has...

If the E-singing car

to increase security, you must have developed electric cars in the future sound systems on Board, the other participants in traffic in front...

Smurf and Sclabas get EM-silver in the Cross

great success for the Swiss athletics : Fabienne Schlumpf at the Elite and Delia Sclabas in the case of the...

The roadmap will change – the new trains are delayed

From (today) Sunday is the new SBB timetable. Very large changes. And also the new double-Decker trains of the type FV-Dosto, to...

As Merkel Kramp-Karrenbauer to the Chancellor could make

According to the will of Angela Merkel's New CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer to be her successor in the Chancellery. There are several ways. But...

The new Federal Council controls already on a scandal to

is gone a Few days after the historic election of two Federal councillors, the euphoria in the Federal house. The first decision...

Summit with a bad omen

Heads of state and government have announced in the Polish city of Katowice, to the opening of the UN climate summit on Monday. The...



Bestrijd onethische advocatenpraktijken met deze tips

Met de opmerking dat advocaten in de EBI de olifant in de kamer zijn, doelde ik op het feit dat er ethische problemen zijn...

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