
The Stockholm peace research Institute : armaments business rose to around 350 billion euros

Russia has replaced to a report, according to the United Kingdom as the second largest producer of armaments in the world after...

Large companies are cooperating in the corruption scandal

NyheterStorföretag cooperate in korruptionsskandalFoto: Cesar OlmosFackligt active in Peru protest on 20 november outside the Uruguayan embassy in the capital, Lima, after the former...

Almost every tenth protester arrested during the unrest in Paris

Almost 1000 people have been arrested on Saturday during the unrest in the streets of Paris. It informs the French minister...

Tobias Eriksson back in the GIF Sundsvall

Gif Sundsvall+ FÖLJTobias Eriksson back in the GIF Sundsvall 1 of 3 | Photo: BILDBYRÅN FOOTBALL After ten seasons in Kalmar...

New York Times: while I have given bin Salman advice after the assassination of...

2. October last year, the journalist Jamal Khashoggi on the Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul. It was the last time he was...

(C) give notice in regeringsfrågan

NyheterC provide information in regeringsfråganFoto: Tove Eriksson/TTCenterledaren Annie Lööf. Arkivbild.Photo: Jessica Gow/TTStefan Löfven reports on the process in the government of the day. Arkivbild.NEWS...

More flew with SAS and Finnair

the Airline SAS passagerarsiffror for november increased by 1.8% to a total of 2.3 million. ”We continue to adjust our...

From fatal attraction to the bad connection

The ARTICLE IS OMGlenn Close+ FÖLJBjörn Runge+ FÖLJNobelfesten+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅi go 18:57 NÖJEPLUS Björn Runge: ”It is awesome that the only literary prize awarded...

Four weddings and a funeral may kortuppföljare

Four weddings and a funeral+ FÖLJFyra weddings and a funeral may kortuppföljareFyra wedding and a begravningFILM Stars Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell and Kristin...

CNN: White house chief of staff is expected to resign

It has long been reports on the growing frustration from Kelly's side, then his work is compromised by a sometimes unpredictable chief....



Moord op Daan Mellée in Enschede: 22 jaar celstraf

22 Jaar Celstraf Voor Moord op Daan Mellée in EnschedeDe rechtbank heeft vandaag een man en een vrouw veroordeeld tot 22 jaar cel voor...

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