
“If attacks increase, museums will no longer be what they are”

WORLD: Can attacks on works of art have serious consequences for a free art business?Hermann Parzinger: Well, if something like this increases, that all...

Why German reconstruction cannot be a role model for Ukraine

The reconstruction of Ukraine must be based on a fundamentally different, new way of thinking. People who risk their lives to defend their homes,...

When Sylvia Plath went on her first date

She was 19 when she received a scholarship to Smith, the most prestigious women's college in the United States, in 1951. The following year...

Why I'm fed up with the delivery services

PO Puteua veleu ep unl uelpoleuale Puleu Oll veltettolOlaeu Blepeulnehpoeheu, ple ent etehlllplelleu Bekllopelu Oll pleheu Zululleplelteu tenltup pnlek ple PlleQeu penpleu, pekunlaelepe pnlek...

The permanent error of Harald Welzer

Bluep Onpp Oeu Feletp Veteel enanleketleu: Pell peO lnpplpekeu Vpeltett ent ple Vhlelue lepel plek pel oluOlueule Puelutuae ulekl unl nO Uelunutl nup Pupleup,...

When Mussolini was suddenly Musolino

The report entitled "March on Rome and Surroundings" (originally: "Marcia su Roma e dintorni") sounds like a travel guide - and in fact the...

The fall of a universe

"Black Adam" marks a black day in the annals of the DC Universe, which has been in deep turmoil of late anyway. The principle...

Criticism of globalization and other beauties from Italy

Iepel GuOOnulpl Onpp plepe Veklkell pealelteu: Ble outlllpeke Zeekl huOOl enp peu 6evekltonteu, peale aeue utteu Zeu Nepuua lO Iekl i0bt, nup ulekl veulae...

Pierre Soulages, in 2009: "An art without presence is decoration"

Pure black, he managed to bring out the light. An uncompromising creator, the painter Pierre Soulages, who died on Wednesday October 26 at the...

Yes, the activists are causing serious damage

Have you ever tried looking through a pane of glass at a 17th-century night scene? It always reflects, the surface texture is no longer...


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