the DN in a series of articles revealed several anomalies on the authority Svenska kraftnät. It has, among other things, dealt with appointments of high-level positions with jävskopplingar, that the people had the powers without having säkerhetskontrollerats, and that the director-general Ulla Sandborgh shall have concealed information about an increase of the elnätspriserna.

KU-reported moderate party, prime minister Stefan Löfven and the former energy minister Ibrahim Baylan. During the Monday asked the former director-general Ulla Sandborgh out regarding the government’s management of the Swedish national grid. She was, among other things, questions about why the new elnätstarifferna to elnätsbolagen came after the election, and not previously in August as is the practice, and what any political connection it might have:

” We saw high electricity prices during the summer because of the drought, among other things, and we saw that it would continue. And it made me unsure about the calculations that were made before the summer would hold. We had full responsibility and saw that they needed to be done. This was prior information that we have promised that, if possible, deliver at the end of August to our customers. But it came instead on september 7, after a recount. It is a pure operational issue. There is no involvement of a government minister, says Ulla Sandborgh during the hearing.

as a DN taken note of the shows that Svenska kraftnät’s director general, Ulla Sandborgh wanted to deviate from the practice and giving information about the price increase later, ”after the election”.

”After the elections” is one of kommunikationspersonernas words written in an email. I can’t explain why she has used it, says Ulla Sandborgh.

got Ulla Sandborgh to leave the service in February. During the hearing, where Sandborgh had to hold a self introduction, she says that she would like to have had continued at his post.

” My view is that Svenska kraftnät makes a very serious and good work in the security issues. The solid risk and sårbarhetsnalysen which were worked out in 2018, as well as supervision from the security service gives the authority even better conditions for a successful safety programme. But all organisations, consists as you know of people who can do wrong, in most cases unwittingly and in good faith. But in a learning organisation, which highlights the incidents and learn from them how to succeed better.

if she thinks that the government somehow should have acted on the information about the gaps in security protection.

” I don’t think we had any more steering, but the important thing was that the other authorities, the security Police and we had a good dialogue and that we had in each case. I did not see that the government would have acted in any other way than the meeting that we had, ” says Ulla Sandborgh during Monday’s hearing.

On Thursday former energy minister Ibrahim Baylan (S) be heard in the committee on the constitution.