CDU Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer loses, according to a survey on the consent of the electors. Your consent values barometer “of the TV stations RTL and n-tv have declined in the on Monday published a” trend, compared to December by twelve percentage points to 36 percent. Especially in the case of young voters and the supporters of his own party Kramp-Karrenbauer lost support, as the “world” reported. In a direct comparison with possible challengers from the SPD Kramp-karrenbauer would be still a direct-dial, clearly ahead of Andrea Nahles and Olaf Scholz, in the process, but also loses.
compared To the previous week, the CDU Boss in comparison with SPD-Boss Nahles loses five percentage points, compared with Minister of Finance Scholz six percentage points. If the Chancellor or the Chancellor were directly elected, would choose to 36 percent for Kramp-karrenbauer and 15 percent for Nahles. In a duel against Scholz, 31 per cent for the CDU would choose the Boss, and 24 per cent for the Finance Minister. Chancellor Angela Merkel achieved in all groups of voters to the AfD-trailer higher affinity values than Kramp-Karrenbauer.
In the preferences for the parties, there was a trend barometer only slight shifts. SPD, greens and the Left will each win one percentage point compared to the previous week, while the CDU/CSU, FDP and AfD will lose one percentage point.
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If the Bundestag would now re-elected, would be the Union with 30 percent more powerful force. The Greens would have 20 percent, the SPD 16 percent. The AfD is eleven per cent, the liberals at nine percent and the left party eight per cent. For the trend-barometer the public opinion research company Forsa surveyed over the past week 2501 eligible to vote. (AFP, Tsp)
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