
Searches more expensive and complex submarine and aircraft submerged

The underwater argentine ARA San Juan had a reserve of air of seven days when she contacted for the last time with...

Trump warns that he can cancel his appointment with Putin for the crisis in...

The incident between Russia and Ukraine has led to Donald Trump to mark distances with respect to Vladimir Putin, who maintains a...

Mexico will award its highest honor to the son-in-law of Donald Trump

A five-day leave power, the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto has announced that it will award to Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of...

The crisis between Ukraine and Russia that puts to the test the unity of...

Austria, which presides during this semester the EU, does not rule out that in the last european summit of the year (scheduled...

Trump threat to General Motors, after announcing the closure of plants in USA

Using your usual way of communication and with two tweets-one linked to another by an ellipsis, as is customary, the president, Donald...

Honduras awaits the controversial sentence on the killers of Berta Cáceres

Two and a half years after the murder of ecologist leader Berta Cáceres, this Thursday will be known the judgment against their...

London tried to downgrade with a second letter your assignment on Gibraltar

The Government of Theresa May wanted to subtract relevance to your assignment on Gibraltar hours after Pedro Sánchez announced his decision to...

‘The negotiation’, the documentary that Alvaro Uribe does not want to see the colombians

“thank You general, as you never you had a gesture to me,” says Iván Márquez, the chief negotiator of the guerrilla –today...

In the violent Guanajuato, the debate on the National Guard of Lopez Obrador does...

ms. Carmen heard the first shots while he was preparing some eggs with beans and a coffee. He knew that it came...

U.S. sanctions Rosario Murillo, the first lady of Nicaragua

the united States press with more force to the regime of Nicaragua. President Donald Trump has signed this Tuesday an executive order...



Auto rijdt huis van Cor-Jan en Patricia binnen: ‘Ik hoorde haar...

Cor-Jan en Patricia Kooiman werden donderdagnacht opgeschrikt door een angstaanjagend incident. Rond half drie reed een auto hun huis in Fijnaart binnen, met Patricia...

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