
Ukraine approves martial law after the shock navy with Russia

The Armed Forces were in a state of alert, while the verkhovna Rada (Parliament) approved the martial law with a duration of...

The foundation of Soros is going to Turkey before the attacks of Erdogan

the Open Society, the foundation of billionaire George Soros, has decided to end its activities in Turkey due to the campaign of...

López Obrador wins another public consultation with 90% of votes in favour

The star project of the mexican president-elect, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the Train Maya, a public work of 1,500 kilometers that will...

Trump suggests that the united States should promote a global television as a counterweight...

Donald Trump returned to showcase this Monday his disdain and fear for the freedom of the press to open a new front...

Nancy Pelosi, the scourge of republicans, Trump

Nancy Pelosi, who was for years the most powerful woman in Washington and wants to come back to that, it is a...

Three brothers find a baby mummified when you clean the house of her deceased...

Among the things that one expects to find when cleaning the house of his deceased mother are many old photos, shared memories,...

Italy opens the door to modify the budgets reprobador by Brussels

“what about The deficit? We do not obsesionemos with decimals”. In this way, what should constitute a frontier impregnable to defend the...

Trump threatens to close the border with Mexico permanently

criticism of the Administration of Donald Trump by throwing tear gas at migrants, 39 of them arrested at the border, have not...

Direct | Theresa May defends the agreement of the Brexit in the british Parliament

The british prime minister, Theresa May, appears from 15.30 London (an hour more in Spain), in the Parliament of the United Kingdom...

United Arab emirates pardons briton sentenced to life imprisonment for espionage

The president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan, granted this Monday the forgiveness of the british...



Explosie bij chalet: bewoner gewond door glassplinters

Op camping De Molenheide aan de Vijverweg in Schijndel heeft donderdagavond een explosie plaatsgevonden bij een van de chalets, waarbij de bewoner gewond raakte...

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