Everyone knows that smoking pay. Have you ever calculated how much you could save by stopping smoking?Smoking save with the money you can buy gifts for yourself and your loved ones.

how much did you save? Calculate sum here!

If a pack of cigarettes cost 7,5 euro and you smoke about four packs a week, savings is 30 euros per week. It still sounds like a big sum, but in one month it makes 120 euros.

See, what you could do with saving the lagging money.

30 million may not sound like a lot of money. Still 30 euro, give the opportunity to eat lunch outdoors at least twice a week for dessert and drinks, or you can even buy close to a bouquet of roses. 30 euros is enough also two different streaming services for a monthly fee.

When you’ve been months without a smoke, you can buy to save your money on a new pair of shoes or a round-trip plane ticket London, to. You can also take your friend out to a nice dinner to your favorite restaurant by donkey or go to the cinema about nine times. Nakitbahis What if you would like to help other savings? The amount you can purchase blankets, food and water for a month to dozens of people in Syrian refugee camps.

Only three of the non-smoking after a month in your pocket is enough money to Tallinn for the weekend. If you don’t want to travel far, you can treat yourself to a weekend at the spa and enjoy relaxing treatments, delicious dinner and breakfast buffet. Why don’t you on the other hand, try something more exciting, such as skydiving, new water sports, or driving the right Ferrari?

When you’ve been without a smoke for six months, save your money you can help to plant 124 trees of the Borneo rain forest. You can also take the whole family miniloma to the amusement park or to buy yourself a quality bicycle. If you like shopping, this amount can buy 36 pieces of T-shirts, which cost 20 euros each.

When you put aside the money that you’d otherwise use tobacco, you can in get to go a luxury holiday for eight days: as well as the hotel that the food is already paid for. A really good prize to someone who has remained smoke-free for years.

Think about how much money you could save by stopping smoking. It would also be a great investment in your health and physical fitness.

Here you can read more about what happens to your body while after you quit smoking!

NICORETTE® is a drug to help withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking. Contains nicotine. Read the package leaflet. Not accessible to children. Not less than 18 years of age. Marketer McNeil, a division of Janssen-Cilag Oy. 11/2018 © FI/NI/18-1705