In particular, ulcerative colitis ailing look sick parkinson’s disease more likely.Mari light island tell on the video inflammatory bowel disease my symptoms.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) increases Parkinson’s disease risk, reports the Danish broad population survey.

on the basis of inflammatory bowel disease suffer from developing the parkinson’s disease about one-fifth more likely than the same age healthy.

the Link was found regardless of patient gender or intestinal disease and follow-up duration. The risk concerns especially the ulcerative colitis from suffering.

intestinal inflammation and Parkinson’s disease connections have suggested in the past.

the Study used Danish health registers, which were extracted data for all years 1977-2014 inflammatory bowel disease sufferers. Patients had a total of 76 000 and they were compared with 7.6 million healthy.

Inflammatory bowel diseases are caused, inter alia, abdominal pain, diarrhea and weight loss. Mostphotos cause is not known

scientists do not know how to explain, what exactly is due. It is possible that intestinal inflammation is part of Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis, or both have common predisposing factors.

If the intestinal infections turn out to be parkinson’s disease risk factors, their treatment and prevention would also prevent parkinson’s disease.

intestinal diseases have become more common in Finland, but the exact cause is not known. Ulcerative colitis is IBD-diseases the most common. Its caused by infections can cause bleeding and hurting like crazy. Ulcerative colitis sufferers, about 4-5 persons per thousand.

Diseases also include Crohn’s disease, which causes, inter alia, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss and fever. It affected every year, about 500 finns.

parkinson’s disease about 16 000 finns.

diseases of the Nervous system symptoms occur including tremors, muscle rigidity and movement slowdown.

Source: the news service Duodecim