Mp Jyrki Plant was a 39-year-old, when he found out he had bladder cancer.Jyrki Plant tell on the video, the moment when he learned of her cancer. IL-TV

so in the spring of 2003, a staggering times. He was just a ph. d. and gone into parliament. After the bomb fell. He learned he had bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer imagine that it’s mainly more than sixty of the smoke of men’s cancer. I had never smoked and was a 39-year-old. Doctors suspect everything else first, the Plant told IL TV Uncensored day breast program.

in the End the doctor ended up with the endoscopy and the harsh truth was revealed to the Plant.

you Can watch the entire episode at this link.

Jyrki Plant has struggled with cancer for 15 years. Jukka Lehtinen