Jyrki Plant (gr) has been struggling with cancer for 15 years.Jyrki Plant tell on the video how she can live without a bladder and kidneys. IL-TV

mps Jyrki Plant was told in 2003 he had bladder cancer. After he has removed the bladder, both the kidneys. In spite of all the Plant sitting in the evening press special correspondent Susanne day of the breast in an interview with prosperous-looking.

the day of the breast ask the plant directly from the IL-TV’s Uncensored day breast program, how it is possible that the Plant’s still alive.

– Modern medicine is miraculous. I always say to them, who always say that before was better, that wasn’t. Before I had been flower beds in the department a long time ago, the Plant response.

the Plant said she heard on Wednesday from their surgery, which allows her to care for herself at home dialysis.

you Can watch the entire episode at this link.

Jyrki Plant wait that can take care of themselves in home dialysis. Jukka Lehtinen