Grow – Tips for your cultivation+ FÖLJVäxtbelysning – Bosse Rappnes best tipsSå simple fixes you växtbelysningen to your krukväxterHÄRLIGT at HOME

plant lights may seem complicated, but it is not at all, in fact it is super easy and makes incredibly much for the plants. Gardeners Bosse Rappne at Ulriksdals castle garden tips how to give the plants more light in the winter.

We know so well that the plants receive too little light during the winter, and yet we are many who are not doing anything about it. It seems so complicated with the växtlampor and special light, what should you bet on anyway? But, it is in fact not at all something strange, you can take fluorescent tubes or lamp for your plants, the only thing you need to keep an eye on is that it is strong enough, over 1 000 lumens. Bosse Rappne. gardener at Ulriksdals castle garden explains.

– Now in november, it just becomes darker and darker, and really don’t turn the light until the end of February. This affects, of course, our houseplants, ” says Bosse Rappne. Most of our houseplants come from tropical or sub-tropical areas the world over. Places that are warm all year round and around the clock, just as we have it indoors here at home. But what distinguishes the home from the tropics is where it gets light at around seven in the morning and then it gets dark at eight in the evening.

Winter in Sweden is known as a dark history. The sun steps maybe up sometime between eight and nine, and disappears early in the afternoon and it gets too little light for the plants.

Photo: Björn canlı bahis siteleri LindahlVäxtbelysning is much easier than most people think, ” says Bosse Rappne.

– Plants are just like us, the people, the transpirerar, then sweat, and then they need to fill up with new fluid. But because the light outdoors is too weak and too few hours during the day, so that is not enough for replenishment. The plants do then is to automatically release the leaves and then they start at the bottom of the stem and then continues upward and outward on the plants. It the spar to the last is the actual tillväxtpunkten because this is a survival instinct, ” says Bosse Rappne.

do you Want to have healthy and fit indoor plants that do not droops and loses its leaves during the winter months, you should make sure that they get enough light. It is simply plant lights. And it need not be difficult or complicated. A standard batten system or a ledlampa works just fine. There is no need for speciallampor or special colored lights. What you need to keep track of when you select the lamp is how many lumens it has.

– plant lighting can seem how complicated, ” says Bosse Rappne. You can read on the net that there should be blue light, red light or mixed colors. Skip it.

Photo: Björn LindahlEn standard batten system works great as plant lighting, during the winter.

– In this window we have hung up a completely plain, simple batten system on the 2×35 watt, which you can purchase in the building at any time, and it is enough for the plants to thrive. This is also IP 65 rated which means that you can have it in a greenhouse, ” says Bosse Rappne. Here I have a light meter and it measures the light in lux. When buying lamps, it’s often about how many watts they have, 15, 25, 60 watts. But with watts, it has fallen out a little bit for now when it is so common with LED fixtures and fluorescent tubes so it is really the lumen measuring. And lumens do you do to lux when measuring the brightness that the lamp gives off. When I measure, I see that this fixture gives off 2 226 lux and it is very good.

most plants do not like when the light is below 1 000 lux, then stop the plant to operate.

Photo: Björn LindahlEn gråmulen novemberdag gives no more than 500-600 lux of light.

What happens if I put out this växtbelysningen then? Yes, an overcast novemberdag then it is not more than 500-600 lux, and it is far from enough. And so here in the dark, it is a long time during the winter, which makes krukväxterna don’t feel so good, ” says Bosse Rappne.

Växtbelysningen have one lit on the day. Plants, people and animals want the same thing. 16 hours day and 8 hours night. Would the light seem too harsh when you are in the same room, you can of course turn off the hours.

– For large plants or large areas can be good with a long light fixture that provides a lot of light. This is a LED luminaire for more professional use, it costs around a hundred dollars, and when I use the luxmätaren here so give it here at around 50-centimetre distance approximately 4 600 lux which is great for plant growth, ” says Bosse Rappne.

Some of the fixtures have white ”glass” in front of the lamps, and takes away a lot of light, so please choose a light fixture with clear glass.

– Here is a different bulb, much cheaper, this costs around 300 sek, an LED fixture is more for home use, ” says Bosse Rappne. And here we see that it gives about 5, 000 lux also on the approximately 50-centimetre distance. Here is the plastic to be removed but it gives very good light anyway.

do you Want to have a lot of light you should hang the fixture very close, the closer the light source the higher the brightness.

Photo: Björn LindahlHåll the look out for the lumen’s. The higher the better.

you do not Want to have the fluorescent lamps without any trim you can put in a LED bulb in your regular fönsterlampor. Remember to look at the lumenvärdet when you buy the bulbs, it may be of up to 2 000 lumen, because the lights often hangs a bit away from the plants.

– these LED lights are 18.5 watts which corresponds to a gammak classic bulb of 120 watt which provides up to 2 000 lumens. It costs around 120 sek and looks like a regular old fashioned incandescent bulb but it will not be at all warm, which is good because the plants ’transpiration increases otherwise,” says Bosse Rappne.

Photo: Björn LindahlVill you don’t have fluorescent lamps, you can put LED bulbs in your regular fönsterlampor, it will also be good plant lighting.

do you Need light for the plants, for example the garage, it can go well with a plain bygglampa. It is sufficiently strong enough lumentalet good and well to.

– this bygglampan to 15 000 lux, if you put the 10-15 centimetres from the plants which is really, really good for growth, ” says Bosse Rappne. You move it further away from the sink luxtalet so clear. It is quite a good move in this lamp also.

please Select the LED lights, they do not get as warm, plants are just like us, they transpirerar when it gets warm and then there is a higher possibility that they dry out and lose leaves.

– If we sammafattar it a little bit short. For example, if you should hibernate mediterranean plants in the garage or in the attic where it is cool so you are betting on a hefty fixture that brings a lot of light and where you might not need to think that it should be so very neat, ” says Bosse Rappne. You need växtljus for example, in the living room so you bet on an LED bulb, it works fine. But above all, shine on the day, 16 hours light, eight hours dark. It is what the plants want and when they feel really, really good. Then I put them on a timer so you don’t have to keep track of when you light and extinguish them. Splice the light, simply then it will be double the amount of light, both uteljus and lamp light, and there tend to be very, very good.

this is The lumen

When the old-style incandescent light bulbs ended up produced where the LED lamp that replaced them. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode and consists of small, high-intensity leds instead of filaments. The light is created in a different way compared to the old incandescent light bulbs which have made the lamp both more environmentally friendly and affordable. The flux and the strength of the bulb is measured in lumens instead of watts.

Count on the lumen to the traditional watts

When you choose the strength, it can feel like a jungle. But you can translate glödljuswatt to lumens, so here:

15 W corresponds to approximately 90 lm

25 W corresponds to approximately 200 lm

40 W corresponds to approximately 450 lm

60 W corresponds to approximately 800 lm

75 W corresponds to approximately 1 000 lm

120 W corresponds to approximately 2 000 lumens

It means that when you choose an LED lamp for plant lighting, it must have at the very least, 1 000 lumen, preferably even more.