Nightmares are common: about half of the adults sees occasional nightmares, women more often than men.Video explains the insomnia.

Nutritionist Dina Merhbi told the Huffington Post that one already painajaisyö can make it difficult for a healthy life next day.

– Sleeping purpose is to relax the body and gather strength for the next day. Nightmares prevent this and next-day fatigue increase caffeine and sugar consumption.

Merhbin according to recurring nightmares affect energy level and mental health. They have been found to be common for anxiety and depression.

for a Short stay a night in turn, can predispose to high blood pressure.

To the nightmare of the reasons I can get access to, it is good to understand where they are due.

These 6 things can affect nightmares the amount of:

1. Your mind boils

Negative thoughts and unprocessed things have a big role in it, what nightmares are and how often they come.

– If you go to bed thinking about the negative things, the brain will rotate them during the night, says psychologist John Betgaranti Mayer .

a Finnish study from a few years back showed that severe depression suffering was more of a recurring nightmare.

Depression in addition to the ordinary stress can have a significant impact on bad dreams and sleep quality.

for Example, changes at work, an upcoming exam or even if the migration can get nocturnal nightmare.

– the unresolved conflicts may increase nightmares. Nightmares are sort of like pimples. In the same way as the pimples are the result of skin bacteria and dirt to accumulate on the, the nightmares are the mind problems and concerns of a by-product, said mental health problems a doctor specializing in Damian Sendler .

2. The nature of your features affect the

studies have shown that certain character traits can have an impact on nightmares.

according to studies, a sensitive, artistic and creative person you see nightmares more vulnerable and more often than the other.

Unitutkija Ernest Hartmann according to the observations of sensitive and creative people sleep are longer, more detailed and more vivid. This applies, unfortunately, also nightmares.

3. Handling the traumatic things

Nightmares are a significant traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

Regular nightmares can tell, according to experts tukahdetusta memory or trauma.

If the nightmare in the background is a traumatic event, past events should go through, for example, with a psychologist.

the subconscious of rose untreated it can cause nightmares. Mostphotos4. You ate before going to bed

Rarely come to think of it, that late evening snack could bring about nightmares.

according to Experts, especially a heavy meal increases the body’s metabolism and raise body temperature.

This makes the brain more active and can lead to nightmares.

the u.s. according to the survey, less than ten percent of the participants saw bad dreams, late-night meal.

Another study analyzed nearly 400 student’s dreams and controlling your food for two weeks.

44% of the participants reported seeing strange and disturbing dreams after they had eaten ice cream or other dairy products.

Similar to the effect of dreams has been claimed to be also spicy food.

5. I took a nightcap

drinking Alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, but sleep quality is anything but good.

during the Night, the alcohol’s soporific effects disappear and sleep may seem more more alive. Nightmares and sleepwalking, the risk increases.

6. The meds mess up their sleep

Certain drugs may increase nightmares.

for Example, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, antihistamines and cholesterol-lowering medications can affect sleep.

If the drugs seem to cause nightmares, you should talk to your doctor.

Source: the Huffington Post