Five years ago, Mailis Penttilä worked as a conveyor belt in a little village in the factory. Now she lives in her penthouse in the centre of Helsinki and dreams of his own baking programme.Watch this video Mailis Penttilä help sweet pink cheese cake. IL-TV

, 28, will put the meringues and small marshmallows chocolate frosting on top. He has just spun white kitchen the perfect sweet valentine’s day cake.

She reveals that has for years dreamed of his own baking programme. The end of the year he set a Youtube channel, where to execute a variety of recipes.

I’ve been getting compliments about it, that the videos appear genuine person to me, She rejoices.

Mailis Penttilä I love the festivity, and he always makes perfection seeking. Jenni Gästgivar

She lives in Helsinki inner city recently perfectly renovated spacious apartment. Color modern and light apartment bring great light red a bouquet of flowers and Lily-of the French bulldog here and there spread toys.

She lives with her boyfriend, ”it-millionaire” often dubbed the entrepreneur Pekka Koskela . The couple has been together for five years.

Lived in the countryside mailis Penttilä has not missed once Hauholle after it moved out of there. Jenni Gästgivar

Yet five years ago She lived a very different life.

Rovaniemi grown girl had left high school and moved to Switzerland and Germany au pair. After that, She lived briefly in Tampere and work in the restaurant.

Then She moved to the countryside Hauholle then with her boyfriend, and worked on the conveyor belt of this family paper processing company.

Penttilä not just seen their buddies or seven siblings. Both work and leisure time were only boyfriend and his family. The family was wonderful, so She couldn’t really need anything else.

– It was SO different styles of life as I live now. I had dreamed that I would move to Helsinki, but I didn’t think that really ever would do so.

Mailis Penttilä grew up in Rovaniemi eight children in the family. Jenni Gästgivar

When the boyfriend’s parents saw the new Total English bake program ad, they lured a reluctant Penttilä get.

– as Soon as the picture came after I realized that the others are so good. I was sure that chick first off!

Surprisingly, Penttilä progress of software in the finals. Month filming after the end of Penttilä had left her boyfriend and former life.

Mailis Penttilä laugh he’ll take care of Lily the dog like a baby. Jenni gästgivar different studies

the 23-year-old Penttilä from Helsinki lunch restaurant chef. He had no it training, but the success of the tv program was enough.

the Working lunch, the restaurant remained half a year later, when She met Koskela mutual friends. Since then, the Penttilä study makeup-make-up artist for.

– Made a minute in their work and found that it’s not my thing. I didn’t like the makeup on the other.

Two years ago the family become Lily-dog got some kind of vacuum penttilä’s life. Jenni Gästgivar

after She went to international personal trainer education.

– I’m not a personal trainer as a student, I thought that it would get me a day job. Both schools have however been good stuff.

Now, Penttilä I hope that leivontav login through your new job opportunities.

Still, this is not panic, when I make videos for my own pleasure and I can do exactly the kind of guidance, as itself wants.

in Addition, Penttilällä has its own name, which she makes now and then a description of the work.

cooperation agreements

In 2015, She participated in the Miss Helsinki competition. The experience was good, although success didn’t come.

Penttilä upgrade hard some, but unlike many others like him some-beauties, Penttilä doesn’t do it for the money. He has so far not signed any cooperation agreement.

She did not see any think of free stuff to scrape in and somettamisen.

– If I want a garment, I bought it. Of course, if you should be someone suitable to deal with the issue is important to me, it is possible that I go. But I just make due.

a Busy few days mailis Penttilä and Pekka koskela the apartment was renovated, perfectly years ago. The couple lived for evacuated about half a year. Jenni Gästgivar

Penttilä ordinary weekday is spent always in the same way. He wakes up, makes breakfast for herself and her husband and use the lily of the outdoors.

the Clock 10-11 he work out with a personal trainer with a nearby gym. There Penttilä will trade through the home and makes food. The afternoon program is run with Lily and home arrangement. Then Kurtz comes home, and She is preparing tonight’s food.

Ben always makes the food from the very beginning itself, and never big batch, just only two doses at once. The meat She bought from the butcher and use them to manufacture its always fry the meter.

I don’t have during the week days, which I slept on the couch, doing nothing, as many probably thought.

the Restaurant the couple did not use very often, because often there get worse food than Penttilä made.

the Party organizer mailis Penttilä enjoys the fact that Helsinki city centre is located in the home is a short distance to that place. Jenni Gästgivar

Food is also one of the things that I Penttilä waste.

of course, it’s wonderful, that you can buy even fresh berries without looking at the price.

She told reporters that buy today, only high quality and time resistant clothing. It will take more money for beauty care, such as eyelashes, nails and hair extensions.

Entertainment Penttilä does not right at all. The only times are the ones when he goes to the after party at home the system of organised after the party.

And the party again swallow money, because She wants to arrange everything for the last on when invites friends to his home. Has been Harry Potter party brother, Winter Wonderland party ice festival the guys and Pink & Sparkle-thirties sister pink flower of it:.

in March, Penttilä and Koskela dream of going somewhere in the sun. Koskela busy with work due to Penttilä vacationing often also with their friends.

Dreaming of a family to prevent mailis Penttilä dreams of his own baking programme. Jenni Gästgivar

She said he was very happy.

– All things are in place. If the past was the feeling that I miss something, so Lily yes fill the hole.

in the Future, She dreams of the wedding and family.

– of Course I would like to get married. Married first and then children. Still hasn’t popped the question, She smiles.

– Between the strikes of panic, that I’m so old!!! At the same time seemed like a distant idea, that it would be a child. None of my sisters or my friends, not yet.

She has not missed Hauholle once after the move.

– I can no longer imagine that I’d live in the country. I like to really live in the centre of Helsinki.

Penttilä remember the background when a new acquaintance remarked that she must be elsewhere. Speech it no longer belongs to I – and sie-words exception, but Penttilästä shine some kind of authenticity, which is foreign to the residents of helsinki.

it’s nice that it’s preserved!

Pink cheese cake see below for instructions on pink cheese cake, which can decorate cute in your own mind. Jenni Gästgivar


125g oreos

50g melted butter

200g of strawberries


4 gelatin

2.5 dl whipped cream

180g vanilla cream cheese

2dl kondensoidusta milk boiled fudge

0.5 cups of boiling water

chocolate ganache:

130g dark chocolate (70%)

1cup whipping cream

the Decoration:





candymelts of making decorations