the critics of The UN migration Pact complain that judges could, on the legally non-binding agreement called. “It’s not that easy,” said international lawyer Aust in ARD morning magazine.

Legally binding and is still controversial: The UN-migration Pact in weeks for discussions. Today he is being adopted in Morocco.

In the ARD morning magazine of the international lawyer Stefan Aust of the FU Berlin pointed canlı bahis siteleri out that the agreement was not legally binding. Many States were not ready to commit more to, said Aust.

“This is not a one-way street”

The go To the fears that courts could rely on the non-binding Pact, and he did so through the back door, but the consequences, said Aust: “not so easy. But: “Also non-binding documents can result in new rules. This requires, however, that the appropriate practice of States.” This was, however, no automatism, no one-way street.

Means: Only if all of the more than 150 supporting countries to implement the objectives of the migration Pact over the years in the fact, one can speak of a customary law as the basis for legal decisions.

Helmut Aust, international lawyer, about the importance of the UN Migrationspakts
ARD morning magazine

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