“Kidnapped baby in Göteborg”

“Lost custody of their children – is suspected of having kidnapped the baby.”

“the 39-year-old woman requested custody for unlawful deprivation of liberty”

“the Woman who kidnapped away a baby in Gothenburg recently lost custody of her own children. “

“two weeks ago, the district court decided that the custody would be passed on to another family.”

“It shows the documents Aftonbladet have taken part of.”

“The 39-year-old woman who requested custody, suspected of illegal detention, after the a baby disappeared on Tuesday, have recently lost custody of her own children.”

“Just two weeks before the event decided the Gothenburg district court ruled that the woman’s children would have a different guardian. “

“the district Court made the decision against the woman’s will. “

“the Woman was not present during the hearing but had in connection with the social services investigation expressed that she did not want to lose custody. It was performed in the right of the woman’s custodian. “

“substance Abuse and mental illness”

“As a reason to deprive her custody, indicated the right that the woman has an addiction and a mental illness that makes her unable to give the children a safe upbringing. “

“Aftonbladet has earlier told that the woman is known by the police previously and was severely intoxicated when she was arrested. “

“During questioning, the woman admitted that she handled the stroller as the baby was in, but denies to the crime. “

“– She has not had intent to any criminal offence, said the woman’s lawyer, His Billeskans Wednesday. “

“Aftonbladet have searched the woman’s defense attorney and her good man on the new data, but without success. “

“the Prosecutor Hedvig Lundblad asked during the Thursday woman arrested for unlawful detention. Häktningsförhandlingen held at 13 in the Gothenburg district court. Aftonbladet is in place and reports. “