Mikael jungner’s ex-dear as the public become Emilia Exception has married and been replaced with the same last name.
no.p. Exception, 27, is married. Fresh wife told Instagram account. In the picture she and new husband walked to paradise beach häävaatteissa:
– Mr. and mrs. Lagus. Thirst so deep love that the way the ocean would be jealous.
Emilian update has got himself a huge congratulations. Also Instagram-story Lagus presents the ring and dip into the water in a white dress swinging.
the couple became engaged in early 2018. At that time the couple had been dating about half a year. The relationship makes it special is that Emilia’s current husband is her best friend’s ex-husband.
Emilia told me the previous evening to the press, that it has not caused any problems. Emilia didn’t know her best friend or the current husband when they were married. We had both had other relationships before Emilia got acquainted with them. The thing was, from the beginning all ok and between ok.
Already engaged at the time of the Emilia told the evening press that the wedding is going to be spend abroad.
Emilia Lagus tell her engagement a year ago. Jenni Gästgivar
Emilia came into the public domain to date Mikael Jungner . The Ex-couple divorced in early 2016. The couple represented, in one example, the Castle festival in 2014. They are still friends.