The doctor, the congolese Denis Mukwege, received today the Nobel peace prize.Doctor Denis Mukwege speaks on behalf of the victims of your own safety at the risk. He’s a victim of armed ambush and his son’s been shot. Yle
Congolese gynekolgille Denis Mukwegelle will be handed over today in Oslo the Nobel peace prize. He gets that work on sexual violence on behalf of the victims. Victims – women, girls and even little ones – there are thousands of, because rape is part of war strategy in the Congo. The unrest has been ongoing for years.
Mukwege and his time, the dose of each will be told today TV1’s documentary project. Rape the healer is Thierry Michel and Colette Braekmanin the award-winning control.
Mukwege speaks to his patients on his behalf and to care for their own safety under the threat. Where is He then talking about? He told for example about the two-month-old baby girl, which she had to operate. 9 months old baby died, as well as the 2 – and 4-year-old children. Of their disability, all rape is caused by, were too serious, so that they could heal.
surgery in the queue is four little girls, who await a similar corrective surgery. They too have ruptured badly in the vaginal and rectal walls between.
what is Clear is that the document is not suitable for sensitive viewers. Bets10
the Southern Kivu region Kakambassa women tell themselves they experience the horrors.
the Boy is forced to rape their own mothers for others in front of the children. If the boy is refused, she was killed on the spot.
Congo unrest began in the summer of 1994, when neighboring Rwanda tutsi genocide, the perpetrators hutusotilaat fled with their families to the Congo. Over the border moved 1.5 million hutua, among whom were also civilians.
Rape the healer today TV1:ts, and the clock 21.35.