Nutrition & Movement When she was 18 and on exchange in America, she came by other eating habits and too many muffins at three months and 12 kg. And then as bright to fall off that its rules hampered. Back at home, she decided to take nutrition and dietetic component to study at the KU Leuven. To as an expert to determine that dieting usually doesn’t help: people suffering a relapse in wrong habits. How it breaks down, described, Hella Van Laer in a book that tomorrow will appear. Hella announced us already seven surprising rules of thumb for a slim line.
Nutritionist reveals how you can really break with wrong diets
Vierde Nederlanders maakt driekwart van vliegreizen
Vierde Nederlanders maakt driekwart van vliegreizenHet Kennisinstituut heeft onthuld dat slechts een kwart van de Nederlandse bevolking verantwoordelijk is voor maar liefst...