Ostend, A 19-year-old girl from Ostend to eight months imprisonment with deferment and 8,000 euro fine (of which nine tenths with postponement) because they are for a while with her ex-boyfriend cannabis sold in their flat in Ostend.
Her ex-friend was previously the favor of the suspension, because his life had turned over a new leaf. The girl, however, openly admit that they still cannabis used and there is also no want to stop. Not even because she is currently pregnant. The girl challenged also less than five times on her justitieassistent. She says she deliberately chooses a life with drugs. “And that while you are pregnant. That child does not deserve to be on the world to come up with a mother with such an attitude”, made the judge very angry. The girl tried to the court before the judgment is yet to convince that they now want to work on her problem and wanted to right a letter to deliver to her parents. But they wanted the right not to know: “Just for you punishment with something approaching, while the last time just outright said that you wanted to do: you can’t fool me.”