“We are going to remove all Cerfa by 2030.” To simplify administrative procedures, particularly for entrepreneurs, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire promised the disappearance of these forms within six years, in an interview with Le Monde this Wednesday, March 6. A first step will be reached in 2026, with “80% of Cerfa [which] will be pre-filled by the administration, as for your tax return”.

Concretely, “certain forms will be completely deleted, others will be radically simplified and pre-filled, since the administration already has the information,” specifies the minister’s entourage to Le Figaro. All you will then have to do is “check the information and complete if necessary”. Paper forms “will remain available to those who request them.”

In this same dynamic of simplification, the minister wishes to tackle the Commercial Code. “No one can know all of the 7,000 articles of the commercial code, so everyone ignores the law!” Bruno The mayor thus proposes to bring together, with the Minister of Justice Éric Dupont-Moretti, “parliamentarians [and] specialists in law and commerce” to “halve the size of this code by 2027”.

“Complexity has a dizzying cost in terms of jobs and hours worked,” insisted Bruno Le Maire, calling for “lightening the mental burden that weighs on entrepreneurs.” He also indicates that Bercy “will use artificial intelligence to adapt information to the specificities of companies”.