The TweetDeck application became paid on Tuesday evening, with users of the X platform (formerly Twitter) being redirected to a subscription offer when they try to access it. X had announced in July that it would reserve for its “verified” accounts this application which allows you to follow by columns, on an internet tab, the activity of the accounts that you follow, your private messages, lists of accounts, tweets containing certain words etc. This application is popular with all those who monitor Twitter for its ease of use.
Created by independent developers from Twitter, it was bought by the American group in 2011 for an amount then estimated by the specialized press at just over 40 million dollars. To qualify, you must now be a subscriber to X Pro, which also allows you to display the famous blue tick. In the United States, this service is offered for $84 for one year.
X was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk in October. Since then, it has multiplied initiatives to boost its profitability, starting with drastically reducing the workforce, then looking for ways to incentivize its users to pay. The extent of its losses, in the face of the disaffection of advertisers, has been the subject of speculation since the company was delisted on the New York Stock Exchange. “We are quite close to equilibrium,” said its director general Linda Yaccarino on August 10 on the American channel CNBC.