The account Her profile, which has a gray certification badge attached to it indicating that she is a member of a government, saw her photo modified and her biography changed to “Security @X”, while the account began to relay messages from the social network’s official account, according to a screenshot shared by an Internet user.
Another Internet user also shared a screenshot of a private message received from Amélie Oudéa-Castéra’s account, posing as an X service and warning the recipient that he was not respecting the platform’s rules. A phishing message, which invites, to avoid the false threat of account closure, to click on a link to a site mimicking that of X so that hackers can recover the victim’s personal data and identifiers.
The hacking was “spotted instantly”, specifies the ministry in Le Figaro. A report was made to the National Information Systems Security Agency (Anssi) and to X, which was able to hide the account “quickly”. Access was restored the next day, and “measures were taken to strengthen the security” of the minister’s account. An investigation is underway to determine the origin of the hacking of his profile on the social network. At this stage, those around him are not able to assess how many people were the recipients of this phishing attempt by message.