Hanna Sumari revealed to Us Women magazine’s interview with the lightning falling in love in the background.Hanna sumari’s daughter are already adults. RIITTA HEISKANEN

the interior of the program familiar to the journalist Hanna Sumari We Women magazine interview how to discover the husband Jariin 25 years ago.

Love bump at a time and took concrete feet. Sumari said that the man ”showed him” before he had been paying this any attention.

– This is just tinfoil hat story, but I saw Jari’s face in a vision while I was on all fours in the training room on the floor. The background music You are simply the best, I lift the legs alternately in the air, and the floor was Jari’s face.

Sumari was not only death in love also in a panic, for he was at that time married.

Six months from Jari asked me to marry him, even though we didn’t even have a relationship, because I am a person who cannot live a double life. And here we are, Sumari told reporters in an interview.

Sumari stresses that love belongs only to the young.

I’m sure that the people can to fall in love with 100-year-old until a similar fire. Jari is the love of my life, and all who have experienced the great love will realize that it is a huge gift, Sumari sum of We Women.

Hanna and Jari get used to are now living alone, when three adult daughters have flown out of the nest.

– it Is wonderful to live again, alone with a man kind of like a new youth.

in the Video, Hanna Sumari presents the triceps, which became famous for Dancing with the stars -in the program.