Child protection declaration prove to be false, isn’t the Spotlight of its kind the only one.Turku university central hospital, the doctor was worried about Minean of the oldest in vain. Roni Journal

in Finland, a large part of the medical staff questioned PANS-disease existence. The rest of the world, even in neighbouring Sweden, it is not. Report today’s Spotlight reporter Anne-Charlotte Åkerholm .

PANS is controversial acute neuropsychiatric syndrome. Infection of children is changing rapidly: for example, obsessive symptoms as well as losing almost altogether from the literacy and numeracy skills. From the start of the common infection and symptoms between the found american researchers.

in Finland, does not share the perception, because according to doctors, sufficient scientific evidence is missing.

where in Sweden the sick are helped by serologic method, guided patients in Finland, a psychiatrist.

One of the sufferers is Minea , which of the parents was done in Turku university hospital, TYKS, children’s protection notification. A similar announcement is made in several Spotlight knowledge in PANS-cases. Minean point the doctor had been concerned that his daughter been parents described symptoms.

Minean, symptoms come and go, and also the new is turned up. At worst, Minea couldn’t walk.

Minean and other PANS-in the case of children – child protection messages are proved to be false.

– they say in other words, that the parents only come up with such symptoms, which will explain the hospital and don’t let children to school, Minean father Michael Martz said in disbelief.

– It was just unbearably outrageous! I’m still furious.

the Situation is not significantly relieved.

– If I talk Pansin, the wall rises up. Clinical studies end to it and the rest will go to PANSin the existence of the ban. The child’s symptoms or feels is no longer relevant after that, the father wonders.

Minean situation improved somewhat, when he got a private doctor for a course of antibiotics. A few days away from it he began to walk again.

– yes, I Would have hoped that antibiotics would be prescribed already the university hospital, Minean mother Carola Martz said.

he thinks the whole incident is unbelievable.

– I would never have thought that Finland could happen. Our family has been left so alone and all the help and support on the outside.

Anu Aaltonen told the spotlight in Miska-son of fate. Help to find in the end, if only momentarily, from Israel. Many other PANS-the patient has been forced to seek opportunities abroad to get treatment. Yle

the Spotlight today with the Theme & Fem: 19.00.