Debut record to you’ve got mail , transmission of Maria De Filippi has won the first evening with an average of 5 million 930 thousand viewers is equal to 30.16%, scoring the best debut since 2002, with a stay – report the program – 41% and a good feedback on social with the hashtag #Cepostaper you steadily to the top of the trending topic in Italy and the second in the world.

A great result and certainly due to the presence of a super guest Johnny Depp De Filippi told the story of his relationship with Marlon Brando and the movie they made together: “What that gave us was unique, has revolutionized the way of acting and being as an actor – told – To me it was my best friend but also a father.” Then, the star of the Pirates of the Caribbean and fantastic Animals was the protagonist of the gift that a mother has done to the children in memory of her father, who died in a work accident at the beginning of 2019, and Depp wanted to consular these guys by telling them that the father will always be with them and giving them a scholarship to Rosalba, and a professional course for Emanuele: “I was moved by your story, you are two special people and courageous. And also your mother is. I also had difficult moments but I have had people I have been close to, if one has a family behind him is like an army”.

Alberto Angela on the roofs of San Marco tells of the ‘Wonders’ of Venice
Second on the podium in advance of the appointment with Wonders – The peninsula of treasures”, by Alberto Angela, which is on Bbc1 has scored 3 million 831mila with 17.55%. On rai-3 in the episode of the Words of the week, with Massimo gramellini, la stampa, has had 1 million 634mila spectators equal to 6.7% and to follow the first tv Dogman Matteo Garrone has obtained 949mila spectators equal to 4.19%.