THE 5% of cases of bladder cancer in Europe would be attributable to the prolonged exposure to substances – the trihalomethanes as chloroform, bromodiclorometano, dibromoclorometano and bromoform – found in tap water by-products of the systems for the chlorine-based disinfection. To support him, a study coordinated by the Institute for Global Health of Barcelona, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, analysed for the first time the presence of these compounds in drinking water of 26 Countries of the european Union , linking it with the incidence of this tumor, which is among the most frequent. The conclusion is that trihalomethanes would be a risk factor for 6,500 cases each year, and for 2,900 of these could be avoided if the Countries had to comply with the european limits.
The risk associated with trihalomethanes, As reported by the authors in the introduction to the study, “long-term exposure to trihalomethanes was associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer ”. This is not to say that it has been demonstrated a clear relationship of cause-and-effect: the international Agency for research on cancer (International Agency for Research on Cancer – IARC) of the world health Organization has classified two of the trihalomethanes, chloroform and diclorobromometano, in group 2B, that is, of substances “possibly carcinogenic”, for which there are still limited evidence of carcinogenicity both in humans and in the animals. Other substances (such as bromoform) are in the list 3, “not classifiable as carcinogenic for the human being”: this means that there is a doubt, but the evidence is not sufficient.
the investigation of The scientists, including two Italians of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, have analyzed the values of trihalomethanes in municipal water recorded during routine monitoring between 2005 and 2018 (excluding Bulgaria and Romania due to the scarcity of data). After that, they have correlated the levels with the incidence of bladder cancer, coming finally to the number of cases potentially attributable to these contaminants in the different scenarios, although the coverage and the accuracy was found to be heterogeneous. The average level of trihalomethanes is the result of 11.7 micrograms per litre (the european limit for some of these is 30 micrograms per liter). The concentration of these compounds – and the type – depends on several factors, such as temperature and pH.

Denmark and the Netherlands are the Countries with the lowest values and, consequently, with the lowest percentage of cases potentially attributable to the trihalomethanes (0%), followed by Germany, Lithuania, Austria, Slovenia, Italy and Poland. Cyprus (23.2 per cent), Malta (17.9 percent), and Ireland (17,2%) were found to have the highest percentages.
the location of The Italy For Italy, in particular, it returns a value in the middle of trihalomethanes of 3.1 micrograms per liter, and 1.2% of cases of bladder cancer potentially attributable to exposure to trihalomethanes present in drinking water. We speak, therefore, of the 336 cases on the nearly 30 thousand that occur every year. The vast majority of the bladder cancer, about 70%, see instead cigarette smoking among the main risk factors.

“this Is a very interesting study of what appears to be a kind of ‘boomerang’ of the systems of disinfection of water, which can sometimes lead to the creation of dangerous substances such as trihalomethanes , ” says Sergio Bracarda , director of medical Oncology of the Azienda Ospedaliera Santa Maria di Terni, an expert of the tumors urogenital: “The article correlates the presence of these substances to an increased risk of cancers of the bladder, one of the neoplasms more common in the absolute, after having assessed the exposure to other risk factors such as cigarette smoke. Although Italy as an area of low risk in the context of the european countries studied, the presence of a geographic coverage incomplete, and the existence of european countries, zero risk also for the use of purification systems are diverse, suggesting the importance of monitoring and continuous improvement of the quality of drinking water in Italian, in order to further reduce the indirect risks arising from the use of drinking water. The good life-styles – finishes – will not only be encouraged but also supported.”

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