Even if the woods of Vincennes and Boulogne, as well as the park of la Courneuve had been reopened for several days, the Parisians were looking forward to the reopening of parks and gardens of the capital, the government has decided to give them the ability to aerate. In the next few days, parks and gardens, Paris has reopened. “Given the time of the announcement it can not, as soon as this Thursday evening, remember all the municipal officials so that they come to reopen the parks. But the goal we set for ourselves is to reopen all of the parks and gardens this Saturday morning,” said Emmanuel Grégoire, first deputy, Anne Hidalgo, the Parisian .

read also : 5 gardens where to enjoy a breath of fresh air in Paris ?

in Spite of the requests of the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, which called upon the déconfinement an exemption, the grids were remained closed. The association lives and Breathes, for its part, had filed an application for interim relief-freedom to the State Council for the reopening of parks and gardens in the red zone, considering it as “their closing counter-productive in the fight against the epidemic of Covid-19”, promoting the “crowding on the public highway”.

A nature particularly flourished during the containment

With the reopening of part of the parks (of which there are nearly 500 small squares included), the Parisians will rediscover the joys of putting on the green to read or take a walk but also be able to see all the biodiversity of which they did not suspect the presence. The nature has particularly flourished during this period of containment : places of nesting, development of the local flora valuable for pollinators, and micro-natural habitats for insects and birds… It is so not to shake up the life of the species, but to respect several rules….

SEE ALSO Deconfinement phase 2: “As of may 30,, reopening parks and the 2 June for the museums and beaches”