A sex therapist told me the sex-I cried to be quite a normal thing. Cause of surprising tears can be lies, for example, these are the reasons behind.Video special level sexual therapist (NACS) Berry Kihlström told for women tips on orgasm.

the Cry bursts of in high the act is not so abnormal as you think, although many surprised who she picked as the stealth appearance of tears. Is this an appropriate time to cry? What if your partner be confused or think that something is wrong?

sexual therapist Laura Mcguire according to the sex-crying is not such a serious matter – in fact it is the body way to react to strong emotion than sense. He calls the cry of “emotional hikoiluksi”.

– Crying is often combined with grief, but in fact the body just say “this is too much”, whether it’s joy, fear, happiness or pain caused by the feeling, McGuire explains.

If the partner is surprised as the waterfall way leaking in your eyes, is the key to happiness also in this issue communication. Tell your partner to cry of reason – it can be caused, for example, for these reasons.

unsplash hormones

PMS, pregnancy, infertility treatment, prevention of… your Hormones may be thrown for one reason or another and the tears take over – whether it’s online, you see a cute cat video or a hot moment in the bedroom.


in the Night’s last drink might give you the courage to call ihastuksest my home, but it may also strengthen a range of emotions and, above all, to displaying them. Good sex crush with might be counted the hops for too much.


Why sex feels so good? It helps to relax after a busy life in the middle. If the sex is really good, also the body to relax a holistic approach, making you experience the emotions come out stronger. This can also happen, say, in yoga or a massage.

Strong connection

even the words are not enough to describe the deep connection of feeling, which you have with your partner. Then may arrived kyyneneet that tell you a sense of depth.


did you Lose recently your pet, or your family or your job? Livahtaako former mind with a new partner? Grief can strike at any time, whether you’re on the street, in a meeting or, well, time for bed.


a Partner might often frightened to tears and I think that sex hurts. It might be a tear of the cause, when the matter will, of course, tell you partner. The pace slowing or position change can help with the pain, but if it continues or is repeated, there is a session the best of the interrupt and the cause of pain check with your physician.

Wonderful pain

Others of us enjoy rough going, and the pleasure and pain centers can be found from the same part of the brain. It is therefore possible, that you cry and you enjoy at the same time.

Shame or guilt

sexual therapists have also come across cases where the other party confused the experience rentoudesta or pleasure, experience you haven’t earned it, or that attention should focus on the only a partner. It is important to remember that well-being starts with you, and sex-related unpleasant feelings of worth can be a good to consider – perhaps even a psychologist.

the Trauma

Sex can also trigger old trauma caused by memories. Sometimes our brains also hide bad memories so deep that they will pop to mind when you least expect it. If your mind and body seem to be different levels, not having sex makes no sense to continue.

good Luck

whether it is a long dry season, an incredibly enjoyable session, or any other happy reason, it is wonderful that sex can get time tears. Also, gratitude, joy or pure happiness can bring tears to the surface during intercourse. Let them flow!

Source: Women’s Health