‘Life’s not fair’, stands on the wall in the asylcenterets room, where the rejected asylum seeker Nacer Amari sitting and dreading the coming day, where Denmark will send him back to Tunisia.

He fears persecution, imprisonment, torture and in the worst case, to lose his life if he returns to the country, which both punishes blasphemy and homosexuality.

Since he fled from the country in 2012 he has received numerous threats on his life. Both by virtue of having left islam and openly criticized the country’s islamic parties, but also on the social media to speak for the rights of LGBT-persons, as he refers to himself as bisexual.

Waiting in fear on the its repatriation 1 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 2 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 3 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 4 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 5 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 6 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 7 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 8 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte 9 of 9 Photo: Christer Holte

However, Flygtningenævnet finds that while Amari ‘enough may experience difficulties’, he will not experience persecution in a degree that would justify asylum.

– With the extensive activities, he has had, it is a wrong conclusion to reach, that he did not risk persecution in Tunisia. Both because of his sexuality and because of that he has dropped the islam, and is an atheist, he risks persecution, tells Amaris lawyer Annette Mills Hannibal and whereas, Amaris situation is quite well known in Tunisia.

He has founded several organizations, he is appointed to ’the end ‘atheist’ two times, and he has spoken at the European Parliament. It will be the need to relate to, she says.

Several international organizations are also uncomprehending opposite Flygtningenævnets decision.

‘Nacer Amari has a well-founded fear of persecution; the threats he has received, and the profile he has as a renegade muslim, poses a serious risk to his safety if he is forced back to Tunisia. We urge the Danish authorities to amend the judgment and give Amari asylum’, writes Andrew Copson from the Humanist International in a call out to the Danish authorities.

Tunisia prohibits both blasphemy and homosexuality.

In 2012, two bloggers seven years in prison for the satire about the prophet Mohammed.

In 2019 was a lawyer and LGBT activist indicted by a prosecutor from a tunisian anti-terrorenhed for a Facebook-posting, which was interpreted as an attack on islam. He escaped to France after death threats.

Recently, a 27-year-old woman has been charged with blasphemy, after she shared a picture on social media that made fun of the koran. She risks up to three years in prison, according to France24.

Several places in Tunisia using the authorities, among other much-criticised methods such as penetration studies to assess whether a person may be punished for homosexuality with imprisonment.

– We have cases from Tunisia, where people have been arrested and imprisoned because they had the app ‘Grindr’ on their phone – a dating app for gay, tells Abir Boukornine from LGBT Denmark.

– this year Alone people have been arrested for writing flirtatious to each other, and just a month ago, two men convicted of committing sodomy (anal intercourse), because they refused to undergo an anal examination, she says.

The two men got two years in prison.

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Amari explains that he long ago became aware that he was also attracted to men, but that it was too dangerous to share with other tunisians. When he worked in the hospitality industry explored his sexuality in secret with the european tourists, he says.

When Amari came to Denmark he began to share lookups on the rights of LGBT-persons, as he had heard that Denmark would be more tolerent.

However, Flygtningenævnet do not believe that the situation in Tunisia poses a risk to the Amari, as they reject his sexuality as ‘untrustworthy’ and ‘designed for the occasion’, on the basis of a number of issues, as Amari saw as particularly cross-border.

– They ask how often I date, in what way and how often I have sex with guys. Should I really take pictures and videos when I have sex with a man or a woman? Should I write down where and when it happens, and if it was one, two or three times? It is disgraceful and disrespectful, tells a frustrated Amari.

– I don’t understand what they base their decision on. It is very irresponsible to say that they just don’t believe in it. The consequences are deadly, says Abir Boukornine from LGBT Denmark with regard to the Amari publicly described as bisexual.

– It is completely no matter, if he actually is bisexual in relation to the risk he runs. If he is sent back there, he risks that the people assaulting him, or hand him over to the police, which sends him in prison, tells Abir Boukornine.

Here is Nacer Amaris cousin, Arafat Amari, with an ISIS flag. Nacer explains that Arafat has attacked him and threatened him of life, because Nacer Amari left islam. Private

In 2008, Nacer Amaris family aware that he had left islam and had become an atheist, since he shared it on social media.

Subsequently, he was assaulted by a family member, says Nacer Amari.

the attack resulted in a chronic hearing damage and damage to the Nacers left eye.

Overfaldsmanden was a cousin by the name of Arafat Amari, who should have fought for ISIS in Syria.

Arafat did not think that Nacer had the right to live longer, as Nacer had left islam, which was perceived as blasphemous.

Later Nacer Amari assaulted again by a group, he did not know, and was shot in the foot.

there lived Nacer Amari in fear under the ground, until he fled from Tunisia in 2012 in the context of The Arab Spring.

the Page has a Nacer Amari received death threats from his cousin.

Source: Nacer Amaris explanation to Flygtningenævnet

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Ekstra Bladet has asked Flygtningenævnet, what are the criteria they use in order to be able to reject an asylum-seeker sexuality, why it is relevant in relation to a possible risk the return and the information Flygtningenævnet have on Tunisia as the international organizations for human rights do not have.

Flygtningenævnet spent several days to find out that they neither wanted to answer questions about the board’s practices, or to comment on the specific case.

the Extra Leaf has also prompted a number of politicians on the situation, but without much luck.

Foreigners, integration, Mattias Tesfaye does not want to comment, and the same answers get the Extra Leaf from the government’s aliens and spokeswoman on integration Rasmus Stoklund, however, states that he has confidence in the board.

– When making a decision, we need to trust it – otherwise, sowing doubt by the rule of law, says Rasmus Stoklund.