“An amusing study of the male impotence”

“Houellebecqs new novel is a greatest hits of prostitution, nudism and misogyni”

“Sérotonines protagonist, the lonely, jaded, and easily depressed man in middle age, is familiar at this point. Florent-Claude, a 46-year-old childless agronomist, is a distillate of earlier Houellebecq characters. This seems to the author to have given up all ambitions to diversify, now if he ever had any.”

“Florent is already in the thoughts to leave his girlfriend, when he can find the videos on her whose content probably would not go to load up even during the porrstreamingsajternas most fetischkategorier.”

“In France, he is a long time ago a too important an institution to enjoy the privilege to be judged solely on literary criteria.”

“He takes the discovery (”hundäventyren”!) with houellebecqskt equanimity but says up the apartment they share, without her knowledge, leaving the job and check in at hotel for an indefinite period of time. The rest of the life that he for no apparent reason tidsbestämmer quite short, he has no plan other than to smoke, watch tv, and, when the spirit falls on, contact old girlfriends and acquaintances in order to make any form of social report.”

“In meeting with an old fellow student in the norman countryside will Florent in contact with the growing political dissatisfaction of the French farmers, and becomes a witness to a protestauktion that gets out of hand.”

“the Scene has been seen as an accurate Houellebecq-prophecy, recently sannspådd of the Yellow västarnas rampage, but I’m thinking of the actually object. Farmers who more or less violently manifesting their dissatisfaction with the political decisions taken in Paris and Brussels, is a civic sport with a long tradition in France. The conflict between national protectionism and globalization, here with the price dumping of foreign food, as a consequence, is also not new. Of Michel Houellebecq, a well-known EUROPEAN and frihandelsskeptiker, is it part of the standard repertoire.”

“It does not mean that he does not have his finger on the French samtidspulsen.”

“Even in the novel’s introduction, it is clear that his seventh novel is a sort of greatest hits collection. Favoritingredienser as prostitution, nudism, blatant misogyni and operation of the urban nybourgeoisien are all present. But the controls are this time turned up a level.”

“the Scenes with the group and djursex (which, of course, involves an asian woman) and pedophilia (where the perpetrator is a German man) is elaborate and the most widespread caricatures. Houellebecq does not need to use as grotesque accessories for to uncover the 2000-century moral decadence.”

“Florent is also slightly more sentimental than the earlier characters. The story of an old love that has never really gone over is poignant and when he starts to shadow her twenty years later it is at first very realistically rendered. “

“the main Character’s somewhat random fascination with automatic weapons leading up to the scene, I guess, is supposed to constitute the whole, the novel’s climax. This becomes his sober nihilistic reasoning suddenly against a whim of pure sociopathy that is not psychologically credible shred. However, do not push Florent on the trigger. This is, we have already understood, is not a novel about the handlingskraftige the alpha male.”

“Michel Houellebecqs romanutgivning follows now a familiar routine, and the publication of the Sérotonine is no exception. The books are analyzed on the prime time French tv and over förstauppslag in the country’s newspapers. The formers divide about who might be offended by his prose – feminists? japanese? liberals? – at the same time as the reviewer speculates in what he has for the case this time.”

“No contemporary author with similar sales – Sérotonine was printed in a first edition of over 300 000 – enjoys the same status of the intellectual enigma that Michel Houellebecq. The question marks have not been reduced by that the author has done zero interviews in connection with the new novel.”

“It is of course pity about the people in the Houellebecqs seven. The title serotonin is the ”lyckohormon” induced by the antidepressant drugs Florents the doctor to him and, as he raises the dose, slowly killing his sex drive (see there, an analogy of what the white man forced to give up in order to keep the anxiety bar on the 2000-century.)”

“But Sérotonine is a study of male impotence in a broader sense, not to say the western maskulinitetens, that is to say, the whole of the western world, the impending collective suicide.”

“And no one can accuse Michel Houellebecq to miss the gallows humor. Vardagsobservationerna over senkapitalismens banality is occasionally terribly funny. Not least because he addresses all topics – anal, close relatives of suicides, the sign advertising ’happy hour’ on the stambaren – with exactly the same great sharpness.”

“In the early reviews of the Sérotonine, he has been portrayed as everything from a romantic and moralist to the politically inconsistent intellectual (”How is it that his protagonists is critical to the economic globalization at the same time as they are constantly on the espouse the moldovan and thai women because they both are grateful and easily manipulated?” asks Sinziana Ravini in Göteborgsposten, on the 7th of January.)”

“Are you idealistic inclined to do, of course, be best to avoid Houellebecq completely. Here, there is no ”hidden humanism”, but the misantropi who are constantly glued on him is excessive. “

“because of, I guess, his mysterious and often contradictory persona has both readers and critics desperately difficult to distinguish between Michel Houellebecq and his fictional protagonists. In France, he is a long time ago a too important an institution to enjoy the privilege to be judged solely on literary criteria.”

“He hit a hole on both the feminist movement and of collectivism, calling out the right wing.”

“He lays bare the marknadsliberalismens spiritual slukhål, objects on the left. “

“uh-huh. Our anti-hero Florent becomes unstable, perhaps, in culture, in capitalism, with the collective and konsumismen, but above all, he is not out with the expectations that it means to be human in the 2000’s. And really; who is doing it?”

“”Sérotonine” is a novel by a brilliant stylist and a from time to time very funny storyteller. Michel Houellebecq has an almost hypnotic intuition in the face of society, small and large shifts, but are clearly uninterested in himself to push any political agenda. “

“There was a time when the position was accepted with the author.”