the KABUL – “Mine injuries”, “wounds from a mine”, I read on the boards in front of their beds. And’ the testimony of one of the people who make up the staff of the Emergency, in Afghanistan. E. and N. – continues the story – they have 9 and 10 years. The war took away their childhood in a second. E. is from a village in the Valley of Panshir. He was playing in a field near home when he has recovered from the earth, an object that exploded shortly after. His father, shortly after the explosion, and brought him to our hospital in Anabah, where we gave the first treatment.

Lose the eyes and the fingers of one hand. once stabilized, we moved to Kabul. Because of that “wrong game”, E. has lost the right eye; on the left hand are left with two fingers and his body is covered with wounds at high risk of infection. For this reason, each time that is medicated should be brought to the operating room: there, under sedation, we take care of his battered body. Also N. has been hit by one of those devices cowards. Arrived, he, together with his father, from a village in the province of Herat, near the border with Iran. He lost both the eyes, the nose, part of the jaw. The abdomen, arms, and legs, for there are innumerable wounds.

The love and the care of two fathers. During the tour the visits in the morning, entering in the department that hosts it, I see No crying and complaining of pain. Who can really understand your pain? When his father approaches him thoughtful, sussurrandogli something in her ear and accarezzandogli head, N. stops crying. He has already lost his daughter last year, the work farmer does not guarantee much of anything living, and that son who looks after gently, perhaps, is the only hope that remains. The two dads are always next to their children. In the department, during the physiotherapy sessions, to help them to eat… In the hottest hours of these days take them for a ride in the garden of the hospital and it is there that I meet them every afternoon.

Something beautiful in the midst of the horror. I See the two dads talk to each other, they are probably sharing the pain that binds them.Perhaps they are looking at ways to support each other to try to overcome it. One thing I am sure: that love which unites father and son is so sweet and pure, for a moment, a glimpse of something beautiful in the midst of the horror of this war.

* Catherine Levagnini, staff of Emergency

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