“I’ve never learned the difference between Vulva and Vagina.” Or: “I used to think that the young reads remote cuticle the Vagina.” These sentences are not from the “Bravo”, but not on Instagram, where honesty plays the biggest role. The world on the phone is supposed to look pretty. The need of many young people to talk about topics such as contraception, Menstruation, or Sex, but also on this Social Media platform. And this comes right Clare Devlin. On your Instagram channel “girls nights” trying the journalist, together with three colleagues, to inform young people.

“I don’t think we are so enlightened, as many people think,” says the 26-Year-old. “When it comes to prevention, for example, I’m scared, really, how little people really know.” The reconnaissance role of parents, teachers and magazines continues to decline, many young people are looking for help on the Internet, but open questions remain. It is precisely this gap have discovered Devlin and her comrades-in-arms. The photos, the post, the “girls nights”-women, differ hardly from the classical Insta-optics. But instead of #cute, #food, #instagood, this Social-Media-Format #period problem #chlamydia and #vagina facts: “Many believe that you do not need to take Instagram seriously, but we reach exactly the people we want to reach,” says Devlin.

“girls nights” works on so-called Insta-stories, which are composed of several photos and video clips, with a maximum of 15 seconds. In the average of 30 Snaps, so Videos per day posted, that makes seven and a half minutes of airtime. The concept: Since the Start in October 2017 the Format of the German broadcasting has WDR facility is not only gained over 92 000 subscribers between 18 and 24 years of age, but also awards such as the prestigious Grimme Online Award.

sneaking around with a tampon

What arrives at the core audience, which is 96 percent female, and particularly well: that it’s not doing so, as if she knew already everything. Clare Devlin and her “girls nights”-be colleagues for the Followers to good Friends, what can you Embarrassing questions. That’s why topics are important to them, which are considered to be taboo. “The very fact that you handed to his girlfriend in the Café, a Tampon so secretly, like a pack of coke, this is funny,” says Devlin. “It menstruated half of the world!”

the importance of more openness around the female body, prove just a few of the prominent women, the Instagram for the communication to be very private events. Hilaria Baldwin, wife of actor Alec Baldwin, well-informed, for example, in mid-April of your Followers that you just had a miscarriage, and had about 576 000 people live in your grief. Lena Dunham, filmmaker, writer and actress documented her battle against endometriosis, a woman’s disease, the strong menstrual cramps and abdominal pain caused.

Up to 600 comments a day posted. Screenshot: Instagram

“girls nights” will open the users. In the comments you write, as you have long believed, that “down there” was something wrong with them. Or as it was, a menstrual Cup a try. “We want to offer a protected space, each user is allowed to tell us of their Concerns and problems,” says Devlin. The good: The four women answer daily for up to 600 comments to the photos to up to 700 direct messages per day care researchers.

openness is appreciated

So that you can appeal to “girls nights” as many people as possible are cast to the four moderators, that’s smart. You to share the topics with each other: The cheerful Clare Devlin is for femininity and sexuality, responsible, cool Naina cumin for health issues such as anorexia and depression. While the bubbly Farah Schaefer devotes more bulkier Complex as racism or poverty, take care of Angelina Boerger, rather the classical type, to stories that do not fit into any of the categories, such as grief or aging.

The women alternate on a weekly basis. It looks like, for example, in the theme of the week sexually transmitted diseases: On the first day Clare Devlin clarifies different diseases, from HIV to chlamydia. The next day, they visited a laboratory to learn how HIV Tests work. And a day later, they interviewed a woman who has an infection with widespread DNA-viruses to cancer. In such stories, the journalistic distance is also time, if Devlin told then about the fact that in your a few years ago, a precursor of cervical cancer has been diagnosed. This openness to appreciate is the user, the author is to be praised in the comments afterwards for their courage.

In the search for protagonists and experts, researchers help; the Rest of the four women themselves: in addition to the journalistic work you are therefore also responsible for directing, lighting, sound, camera work, editing, care of the guests. Perfect do not need to be a shaky image, the audience will forgive this Medium. Especially in the case of emotional topics, please stay tuned. “Then the people to look ten minutes,” says Devlin. This, therefore, would be at least 40Snaps à a maximum of 15 seconds.

With the parent topics of the four women are sometimes, however, even in the way; since you can only scratch the surface. In more concrete like “The first Time” work much better. On the other hand, the appetizers-Narrative style provides a Chance. Example endometriosis: Of this frequent, but still relatively unknown disease, which is often the reason for infertility, have heard the audience after all.


deflowered, You can find mouths of the texts and comments on “girls nights” with all their hearts and Kiss goofy, but the four women manage to succeed in the All-to create-beautiful-here-platform-a place where foreign women encourage each other and speak to him or her.

As has been explained to you, don’t know, Clare Devlin, but the first Nude pictures she has seen in the “Bravo”. If you remember, she gets goose bumps. That there is another way, it has been proven now: “I’m glad that our work works so well. I was afraid that the people don’t want to be confronted in your illusory world with real issues.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.05.2019, 17:41 PM