“The Attack against freedom of thoughts”

“Hungary’s prohibition of gender studies will be copied by the other.”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“When the Hungarian government in August banned the studies, it was not just an attack on the twenty or so students who were affected. There was also a three-pronged attack: on the idea of gender as a social construction, on the women’s movement and academic freedom.”

“And, as such, a step in the right-wing movement’s struggle to establish a new normality in the country.”

“In an insightful analysis in the German Taz (20 dec) now describes the Hungarian gender main face Andrea Petö the demonization of the substance. The ban is used as a ”symbolic glue” to unite a wider conservative audience, from the christian to the football hooligans, and bring their thinking away from individual rights towards family, nation and religious values, she says.”

“this is the way It begins, I think, with the power of words and thought, the small displacements.”

“Hungary is, of course, in addition, the laboratory, as the other copy. Petö tells how the belgian students visited the country and then demanded the ban on the domestic front. Even the Swedish gender research has in recent time become the target, not only for ytterhögern, but also for Svenska Dagbladet and Göteborgs-Posten.”

“My biggest fear,” says Petö, ”is that women internalize, that they are tired, exhausted and depressed. The policy is addressed already in the family, rather than on individuals. Now replaced in both Hungary and Poland the idea of the woman with the idea of the family. Women, as some acting independently, disappears slowly from the political agreements.””