“Drop the neo-liberal requirements, Annie Loof”

“C-veteran: Sets the Centre party with the election, I will support Stefan Löfven”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. With my upbringing, it is natural to keep hard for justice and equality.”

“it was Therefore natural that I, as an 18 year old was easy to refer to the local social club.”

“In connection with the referendum on the ATP, I gave the however, the right of jämlikhetsskäl my voice to the Survivors.”

“then, When regional development and the whole of the country to live-the questions became hot in the 60’s and 70’s I followed closely the Gunnar Hedlund, Gustaf Jonnergårds (party secretary 1951-1976) and Thorbjörn Fälldins statements and decided for the Centre party.”

“Even ungdomsförbundets chairman Gösta Andersson and Olof Johansson was the clear-cut in their positions.”

“Really surprised, I was, however, before christmas, when Svante Nycander, of all, in Today’s Industry, straight out claims that the Centre party is a centrist party and the Centre party also is antifackligt.”

“at the same time,” says DI on the same day in the huvudledaren that today’s liberals sound like conservatives of 100 years ago.”

“the Conservatives of 100 years ago was not all too sympathetic to the ”common people.””

“Unfortunately, I have to give both the writers right in their analyses.”

“Our country has since the early 90’s had the responsible parties on the labour market. Their responsibility, in my opinion, meant much more for our country’s development than the different governments. Above all, have the workers, mainly LO has taken a decisive great responsibility.”

“Arbetsgivarparterna have really only played his customary prutande role.”

“Why must the Centre party properly bargain with their labour legislation! Thank you not they who have taken most of the responsibility for our country’s development with Free-inspired moves.”

“now, When the social partners jointly want to sit down and look over arbetsmarknadslagarna and what can be done for a better functioning of the labour market should the Centre party and the others come to their senses and drop their burdusa requirements.”

“made up, cheap political and neoliberal proposal has nothing to with accountability or development work to do.”

“Speak instead with the LO chairman Thorwaldsson, which is both easy to talk to and responsibility, instead of taking inspiration of the worst of the hawks, cherished and brought up of the Free.”

“Finally – sets the Centre party with a new election, I will with the little strength I have to for the country’s best to become active in the campaign for election, and then for Stefan Löfven.”

“I know that many in my large family think the same.”

“nBörje Hörnlund, the minister of labour, 1991–§1994 (C).”

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