“– In love we become the people we are”
“Suzanne Brøgger about love, class and romanbiografin ”Chorale””
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“Write true if the secret depths of a woman’s erotic temperament, called Ellen Key at the turn of the last century. First with second-wave feminism in the 60’s and 70’s sang the women out in full force. Suzanne Brøgger became a pioneer in the bekännelselitteraturen. Now when men write in the same spirit is the genre renamed to the more clinical autofiktion. “
“In the current Chorale has Brøgger sampled from their previous books, the Crème fraîche (in English 1978), Yes (1984) and Transparence (1994) and put together a condensed romanbiografi of the trilogy. Writing women who wanted to face the world with both the body and the intellect was an inspiring interlocutor in Brøggers prose that was both easy and a scholar with a philosophical edge. Always with a gentle irony and humour. To engage in it as she herself called ”anthropological field studies in explicit environments” had its consequences. In public, she was scandalized. “
“How did you get the idea for the Chorale? I ask Suzanne Brøgger sitting in front of me in a salmon pink sofa in a stockholm property. “
“– I see now in my young life in a bird’s eye view. I had the urge to saxa out of the three books – that depict the different decades – and bring them together. Might convey something to young readers. “
“one of the Biggest space has a history of the passion in the Yes between berättarjaget and a Swedish obstetrician. Why was the most central?”
“– In a förälskelsehistoria we become the person we are. We are shaped both in the happy and unsuccessful conditions. n”
“In the beginning err berättarjaget around in Jerusalem to buy a fur hat, and find a tattoo artist. How were you thinking?”
“– I cannot tell you a love story if I do not first write about the maze in Jerusalem. It introduces a female protagonist who is the applicant and mysterious. And after that you can easily understand the Swedish förlossningsläkarens reactions. In Jerusalem she gets a fågelvinge tattooed on the heel and at the end of the book flies she. Where are born the author.”
“the history of the passion shows the humorous and scary how the desire betrays the intellect. The doctor would like to have a representative bourgeois wife, but attracted by the unconventional today. “
“– she is Also ambivalent. She sits and writes in Deliver us from love in which the institution of marriage is condemned at the same time she proposes marriage to him. “
“Your grandmother said that women are insane by love. “
“– It is generational, you’re going to a and do another. “
“You write in the essay Norwegian omelette, which came in last year, you all over you be reduced to sex. Are you not yourself guilty of it? It is the sex you have written about. “
” No, it’s actually not! I have written 24 books, and in 19 of them, there is nothing about sex. It is only in the first phase.”
“You always write insightfully about the class. Of how the upper class take their position in society for granted, while the working class carries on a horror of ending up in the ditch. In the ”Chorale” is a poignant portrait of your biological dad. A goofy, musical bon vivant. He was thus klassresenär?”
“– Yes, he made a huge social movement upwards and became a businessman. “
“The poor live in ”a metaphysical state of fear and humiliation,” writes the you. When you came home to grandma and grandpa met you a arbetarklasskultur. “
“– Yes, they lived in a simple two-room apartment on Amager. In finrummet you were not allowed to go into. A handsome sofa, curtains and a framed portrait of Luther.”
“Your father admired his wife’s roots in the wealthy jewish bourgeoisie. You have inherited a double glance for the class. “
“” I have never written anything directly from a class perspective, but I can say that I have always chosen to settle in arbetarmiljöer. Where I enjoy. Certain is it also that writers can’t afford another. West zealand, where I have written all my books, is a poor region with low-paid residents. When I moved to Sølve in their twenties thought the villagers that it was strange that a young woman lived there.”
” So, you wrote landsbygdsmemoaren ”Sølve”. “
” I wanted to give something back to the place that meant a lot to me. Sølve was the premise that I would be able to become a writer. No one found there. As a new resident, I wrote a book. What is the name of it? they asked. I said, Deliver us from love. It, you can never sell! they said. “
“And you live on still. “
“In the Norwegian omelette, search for Karl Ove Knausgård and Vigdis Hjorth and discuss autofiktionens price. In the beginning you lost a friend per book. Is the art worth it? “
” I was not aware of the consequences. But I have never thought that I would stop being a writer because someone was offended. I give Knausgård right when he says that the rewards are greater than the losses. “
“In the Pot, Louise Zeuthens biography about you, select a limit. Family life after forty keeps you private. How did that decision look like? “
“– My husband and my daughter are two people with strong integrity. They do not want to become the river. “
“You depict something familiar in perilous situations. When you meet your young I, you then see a great deal of courage or lack of self-preservation? “
“– A person who, at the same time affirmed life and wanted to extinguish it. “
“Name: Suzanne Brøgger.”
“Live: the Village Sølve on the west the island of Zealand.”
“Family: Husband and daughter.”
“Career in brief: Journalist, author, and performer. Member of the Danish academy.”
“up to Date: With the novel ”Chorale” (Norstedts).”