It is quiet in the offices of the Asperger’s AG. Almost spooky quiet. No voices from the meeting room, no chit-chat at the copier, no loud phone conversations. The employees sit concentrated in front of their computers, most are wearing headphones. On the screens in rows on a black background rows in a programming language. Here websites, Apps, online stores and banner ads are designed – nothing out of the ordinary. However, as the company name suggests, ticking this company is different: most of The employees are affected by Asperger syndrome, a mild Form of autism.

“Asperger’s-Affected work best when they can immerse themselves completely in their matter and nothing to be distracted,” explains Susan Conza, Executive Director of the Asperger’s AG in Zurich. “On screen, well, that is why many of them end up in computer science.” The 45-Year-old knows what she’s talking about: she was 29 and ten years as a business information scientist, with her Asperger’s was found.

Asper-Affected are very powerful

people with Asperger’s as an above-average intelligent, persevering and efficient – properties that would make employers very interesting. However, it is many Concerned effort to keep the big picture in mind. Because certain filter functions are missing, you overwhelm external stimuli quickly. Also the social contact it’s not often to difficulties, because you Express your feelings automatically via facial Expressions and Gestures, and where they are found, can put.

Late-stage diagnoses, such as in the case of Conza are not uncommon, thanks to your perseverance be Asperger’s-Affected in the world of work, somehow – but only under high levels of Stress and in the lonely role of the nerds. Many of the a place of their non-promoted regular abilities, and your perceived weaknesses will not be ridiculed simply is a lack of.

Conzas idea works

This was Susan Conza change. In 2008 they founded their own computer company. From this she exiled all from Asperger’s point of view, disturbing distractions: phones, Radios, pictures, blinding light sources, team meetings. Talks were held only between twelve and one o’clock, most of it was controlled by e-Mail. With these conditions, you and your four employees should be able to, all with Asperger’s syndrome, finally in peace, and your performance potential of play to work.

Conzas idea worked. Today your business is successful in the Web development and employs nearly fifty employees. Employee without Asperger’s, “neuro-types” as they are internally called, make up about a third. All of the other Asperger’s Sufferers, including a dozen computer science, graphics and Mediamatik are apprentices. You may work together in mixed project teams, “because of the Mix of different points of view is our strength point and makes a dynamic operation,” says Susan Conza.

“It can’t happen that two of its employees to know a couple of months to sit and the name of the other.”Susan Conza, the owner of the Company

The rules, which introduced you once today already so strict. “If you want to work well together, it needs a Minimum of meetings, and, ultimately, the people it brings more also, if you exercise on a regular basis to communicate with others.” Conversations are always and everywhere permitted, but not expected. “For us, it is not okay, if you eat in the course greets and alone Lunch. It can even happen that two of its employees for a few months know to sit and the name of the other,” explains Susan Conza. “Most of my colleagues open with the time.”

The Director himself might not be apparent in conversation that she is affected by Asperger’s. She seems open, self-confident and laughs a lot. “This is the Exercise,” she reveals. “For me, a calm face would be natural, but the effect on other unsympathetic.” Therefore, they have trained the appropriate facial Expressions to feelings over the years. “This acting is sometimes exhausting, but in the meantime, many things for me automatically,” she says, and smiles.

“talks about Everyday issues and Personal less interest to us.”Florian Fricker, project Manager and Asperger’s-Affected

deal With your experience and your Drive Susan Conza may well with different people. But how your employees, who do not have Asperger’s to experience the cooperation? Bernadette Schenker, a graphic designer and Art Director, says: “The biggest hurdle is communication. We neurotic types of packaging our messages in a polite case. Asperger confused the the only. So I learned, to formulate my concerns directly, and to dispense with pleasantries.”

Schenker in the project teams often tasks where the Overview and empathy are required: lead the Team, discussions with customers, overall concepts develop. The biggest challenge Briefings to the Asperger’s colleagues. “You need very precise instructions, so you can work. However, it is often difficult to formulate every Detail in advance,” she says. In addition, you have to get used to it, “is that Asperger’s criticism thread just to Express”.

despite all the Differences – mutual understanding, cooperation characterizes the Asperger’s AG. For Florian Fricker, project Manager, Web and Asperger’s-Affected sessions, while always a horror. However, the 32 estimated Years of work in the Team. “I like being with people, I just need my breaks,” he explains. Fricker, would rather not be photographed, is the only permanent employee with Asperger’s syndrome, who has declared for an interview with the press, his colleagues prefer to stay in their work deepened. “Asperger’s people are not talking in principle, a reluctant, but conversations about Everyday and Personal interest us less,” he says. “Our special areas of knowledge we refer, however, like to hours.”

High level of work motivation

As diverse and distinct, these can be explained in two offices, the Intern Luca Camacho. The 18-Year-old devotes his leisure to natural science, has taught several instruments himself and has had since his Childhood, combat sport on the top level. “When a thing grabs, I want to know all about it and know no boundaries,” he says. “If not, I can focus no more than ten seconds.”

“Not infrequently, we have to send the apprentices back home in the evening, otherwise you would just keep working.”Sarah Umiker, apprentice supervisor

trying at the moment with Luca to find out which one is teaching him. In the Asperger’s AG, he feels already in good hands, because “here it is normal that people work independently and on own learning methods – this is me”. The apprentice supervisor Sarah Umiker, sitting next to him, confirmed: “We make our learners more leeway than elsewhere, but we have to help out when time management is often something.” Umiker is impressed by the high motivation of their Asperger’s counterparts, which opens sometimes, but in a topsy-turvy world. “Not infrequently, we have to send the apprentices back home in the evening, otherwise they would simply continue to work. There is, in fact, that employees forget about your holiday because you are so engrossed in a project.”

in your work, business Manager Susan Conza. In your office dim light, behind her Desk, her dog Baloo, it has almost always stretched out. She is proud of her Asperger AG, which celebrates its 2018 its ten-year anniversary. However, without a staff – with birthdays can start the least something. The Christmas dinner, the only one occasion in the year, but as usual. “Will pass only the most employees to participate,” says Susan Conza. “And that’s totally okay.”

(the Swiss family)

Created: 20.12.2018, 21:50 PM