In the program, type it in the Swedish Academy nyinvalde a keen traveler, Mats Malm a somewhat stunning article on Johann Christoph Bach, cousin of Johann Sebastian’s father, and his cantata ”Meine Freundin, du bist schön” from 1679. The cantata is in dialogue, and is about a loving couple who encounter each other in the city and agree to meet later and more secluded in a garden. On the way there is the woman for a moment completely alone, which the composer embodied in a wonderful and wildly passionate duet between her sopranstämma and a solo violin that embodies and elevates the kärleksintensiteten of the absent man. Ore is this duet ”an irresistible argument for music’s superiority over words when it comes to expressing emotions.”

unknown works belonged to the highlights of the German Christinae church, Gothenburg Baroque for a few days inaugurated its newly-built and unique instrument, a so-called ”claviorganum”, there was no doubt. The more than packed the church almost stopped breathing. And Gothenburg Baroques conductor Magnus Kjellson saw the closest blissful when he led the performance from its powerful claviorganum. And almost reminded symfonirockpionjären Keith Emerson in front of his high fort of keyboards in the early 1970s.

The Swedish-made instrument which is a combination of the harpsichord and the organ has been constructed and designed by a dozen specialists with the organ builder Mats Arvidsson and cembalobyggaren Andreas Kilström in the tip. And donated to the Göteborg Baroque by the Sten A Olsson foundation. Three and a half million it’s cost and how could we better celebrate this than with music which, like the one by Johann Christoph Bach, perfect, strikes one with amazement with its expressive power.

the Festival offered a rich selection of baroque music. Ranging from the less well-known specialities of composers such as Bernardo Pasquini and Johann Caspar Kerll to the well-known works of J S Bach and G F Handel, whose oratorio ”Theodora” was the finale. But it was the new instrument, which stood in the center.

built a claviorganum since the 1700s, was also the demonstration that was held in a large publikhändelse. With its five keyboards and 18 notes per octave, it is none other than the worldwide sensation that creates entirely new possibilities – not only for klaviaturspelaren that now have a much greater control over the performance. But also for this can vary, and mix music sounds in a whole new way. Magnus Kjellson gave many fascinating samples of this when he showed the remarkable effects that can occur when you combine the landscape orgelklangerna with the more perkussiva sounden from cembalon.

A multi-faceted instrumental voice that speaks to us as if it were a human voice. With this claviorganum has a vision from the past given a new life. And turned into a fantasy with a view to the future.